When is next Farmakon Cd going to be out to destroy us all?

We really have no idea... We'll throw a gig in England and then I think it's time to start making new songs like rabbits. Three are ready at the moment, so basically we don't have crap. We've had too much trouble for the last six-eight months and everything has been on hold, but we'll get there. Realistically I think you'll still have to wait 'til next year. Sorry dude... I hope "A Warm Glimpse" hasn't worn out yet. :D
No! Don't make him go through the hell that drug rehab is. It'll kill his creativity, and you'll no longer get them cryptic lyrics that no one understands about them cute moomins.:D :wave:
kaleidoskooppiset apinaihmiset hyppimässä juustopalleropussista keskustelevat hilpeällä äänensävyllä äärettömästä kyvystä tiedostaa elämisen salatut haittavaikutukset. olen liikuttunut... :wave:
nevershine said:
We really have no idea... We'll throw a gig in England and then I think it's time to start making new songs like rabbits. Three are ready at the moment, so basically we don't have crap. We've had too much trouble for the last six-eight months and everything has been on hold, but we'll get there. Realistically I think you'll still have to wait 'til next year. Sorry dude... I hope "A Warm Glimpse" hasn't worn out yet. :D

thanks for the update:loco:
Saatana, ihan sama mitä teette, kunhan ette tee yhtä hyvää piisiä kuin Wallgarden, varsinkin semmosia vitun loistavia Bloodbath-riffejä, kuten 03:05 paikkeilla. Saatana, täällä moshataan kikki kovana. Ei voi hyväksyä.

Joo joo, lisää kalijaa, normi päivä.
dead6skin6mask6 said:
ahhh friggin'.... foreign languages :tickled:

alien(s') language...
A new Farmakon album and tracklist:

Farmakon - A Warm Beer :kickass:

1. Loosely of Beers
2. My Beer In Solitude
3. Beer
4. Stretching Into Beer
5. Beer
6. Beergrasp
7. Flavoured Beer
8. Pearl Of My Beer
9. Beergarden

Rokkaa kuin kevyen helmeilevä keskivaahto. :headbang:
Matti Nykäne said:
A new Farmakon album and tracklist:

Farmakon - A Warm Beer :kickass:

1. Loosely of Beers
2. My Beer In Solitude
3. Beer
4. Stretching Into Beer
5. Beer
6. Beergrasp
7. Flavoured Beer
8. Pearl Of My Beer
9. Beergarden

Rokkaa kuin kevyen helmeilevä keskivaahto. :headbang:
Sounds fucking good!
The current silence on this forum had better be because Farmakon are all too busy making sweet music/another Farmakon album.
1. We flood forum.
2. You all start speaking Finnish.
3. I go home.


Short sentences. About to go out.
How perfect is that? The dude is supposed to be the moderator and he doesn't even have a connection... That's just how things work with us. Next we'll get a bassist with no arms...