When will In Flames stop making terrible music?


Nov 8, 2006
Honestly, what the fuck happened to this band? With each and every release since 2000 they have fucked up in every way possible. How does a band that was once fantastic as hell end up making constantly terrible music? I can't comprend it. It's like the metallica syndrome is flowing into other styles of music. FUCK.

By the way, their new album "A Sense of Purpose" has to be one of the worst records I've ever heard from a band that still thinks they are metal. What the shit. Every single song on this album sounds the exact same.
^^lol. I just gave up on this band. I love their earlier stuff so much and to hear the crap their putting out now is utterly depressing. Once a band with huge potential turned into a steaming pile of shit. I wish they would just give up at this point.

I've never been to an In Flames show, but does anyone know if they still play any of their earlier stuff? I doubt it since they probably lost all their fans from their early days.
I thought it was kind of accepted that they'll never redeem themselves? They've gone to the shitter, move along.
in my opinion, they are still pretty nice guitar-wise...but the clean vocals really kill this band for me. last album I really liked was Whoracle. they might still have potential, but as long as they don't get rid of those horrible vocals, I don't care about them
Their new album isn't really that bad... It's definitely better than the last three.
I don't claim it to be a masterpiece, but there are some good songs on it.
lol. give up. we had a very similar thread a few weeks ago.

someone else said there's plenty of good bands to focus on now. that's the right answer.
i have been listening to the jester race alot lately, to me it's in flames' best. i downloaded the new album and will not be buying it, ill stick to their timeless albums.
The only albums I've listened to were Colony, Clayman, and Reroute. Those were alright, though I'm not a huge fan. Kiss-ass guitar solos though. Other than that I don't know too much.