When will the first bands be announced?

The next bands will be announced on the website today or tomorrow, we are doing a small re-design of the website as well and I am not sure if we will succed finishing it today.

But for all forum readers, the next 3 bands are:

IN MOURNING (sweden)
SOLE REMEDY (finland)

Within 2 weeks we will announce a couple of more bands, but hopefully you are already satisfied with the first 6 bands confirmed.

Of course I'm very happy with the announced bands, too.

we are doing a small re-design of the website as well and I am not sure if we will succed finishing it today.

I like the new design, it looks pretty good. And seeing the 2006 photo of Communic (new album this summer) I wonder if this is the announcement of the seventh band :heh: But - the pic doesn't show Communic's drummer Tor Atle Andersen, looks like Nico Knappe from Dark Suns. - Eighth band!!! :Saint:
The top background image of Communic we used had nothing to do with the next announcement. We now uploaded a few more background images that will be used randomly in the header. We will upload more images and finally we start working on our huge history. We saved all files since the first year and the next couple of months we will work this out and add as many photo's, reviews, interviews, etc. to our history pages. Finally we start making time for this :-).

As for Communic, the image had nothing to do with it but of course they would fit perfectly! We'll see, many bands to choose from.

[...] and finally we start working on our huge history. We saved all files since the first year and the next couple of months we will work this out and add as many photo's, reviews, interviews, etc. to our history pages. Finally we start making time for this :-).

Haven't you been saying that every year, René? :P Will be nice to finally have an up to date history page :)
Kudo's on the new website design, btw! I like it! Always nice to have a fresh design for a new year of Progpower anticipation! :)

Looking forward to more band announcements. When do you think the next one will be?