When will you start refreshing your browser on Monday?


Shoot down the UFO's!
Mar 3, 2004
Glenn has announced the bands at various times, but he has stated Monday for this announcement. Thankfully for me it is a holiday, but I had hoped to spend some time out of the house.

But I want to know who the band will be (even though I have a really good idea that it is Entombed).

Which begs the question...when will you log in to the site (or your email if you are a GB holder) and start refreshing it to see the announcement?

I think I will check my mail around 10 am and then periodically hit the site for the remainder of the day.
But I want to know who the band will be (even though I have a really good idea that it is Entombed).

What makes you think ENTOMBED???? Just curious as i am not familiar with them, and what their genre of music is. I still think it is going to be TAROT or PRETTY MAIDS.
Kenneth R. said:
I will beat you all seeing how I have a 5 hour advantage living in the UK. I'll be the first one awake :lol:

Is that a challenge? I work overnights. If Glen posts it before 8:00am-ish CST, I'll see it or I'll just see it when I get home:D

Kenneth R. said:
I will beat you all seeing how I have a 5 hour advantage living in the UK. I'll be the first one awake :lol:
Your assuming we're going to sleep! Who can? :loco:
HELL, if it's TAROT, i won't sleep any even after it's announced. I have a strange feeling that this is who it is. I mean look at what they would bring to the Festival, and they have a new CD coming out, and all the old ones are being or have been re-mastered, plus oh well you know .............. I LOVE TAROT.
You people have some serious issues; apparently a thread could me conceived for absolutely anything. By the way, what is everyone going to eat for breakfast tomoroow before they log on to check the site? Just curious.
I have to be at work at 10 am so I will wake up at 9 and start refreshing. Then I get home at about 230 pm and will instantly go to the page, I would assume it would be announced by then.
nightwish58 said:
You people have some serious issues;


That's..... what..... the....


keep..... telling meeeeeee.......

Please, make it STOOOOOP!!!!!!!!
I won't be. I'm already going. Besides, I visit this board several times a day as it is; I don't need to rearrange my schedule to see who's playing.
Glenn - maybe you could set something up on here like mlb.com to send updates to cell phones. You charge for the service (obviously) and send out the updates when you posts big announcements like the cancellation and new bands.