When will there be an announcement about the announcements?

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
For some reason, I thought when Glenn announced the date (after announcing the first two bands) he was going to announce when he would be announcing when he would provide us band names. So how about it Glenn? Can you make an announcement, about when the announcement will be made, of when you'll be announcing the bands?

General Zod said:
For some reason, I thought when Glenn announced the date (after announcing the first two bands) he was going to announce when he would be announcing when he would provide us band names. So how about it Glenn? Can you make an announcement, about when the announcement will be made, of when you'll be announcing the bands?


I understand that he will release two more names tomorrow.
Here ya go my intergalatically yellow sun powered friend:

Harvester said:
There is no schedule this year. It's whenever I feel it's appropriate. I will say that as of today, I'm only 3 weeks ahead of last year's schedule as the first names were released the first week of February.

Changing things up a bit helps keep people on their toes.

That said (confirming what Fates Fan said):

Harvester two days ago said:
See you on Monday....

Glenn H.
I heard that there could be an announcement of an announcement to announce that James LaBrie's solo band will be playing @ PPVII. I bet that Zod will want to go back to the Phantom Zone, after reading an announcemnt of the possibility of an announcement of an announcement to announce James LaBrie for PPVII! :lol:
Can't wait to see what two bands will be announced next!! Only a few more hours, thats if he announces it in the morning. Or it could be afternoon? Early evening??

Is it time yet?? :hotjump:

Ah, the real announcement will be that the new look Metal Rose will have her own signing session this year! :)
Meanmistreator said:
(Go Bears!...I hate Carolina) Oh, sorry I was watching the game.:grin:

DGM - Hidden Place:hotjump:
My condolences.

Can't wait to see what two bands will be announced next!! Only a few more hours, thats if he announces it in the morning. Or it could be afternoon? Early evening??

Is it time yet?? :hotjump:
NO, apparently not in the morning....or at least not before 8:00. :erk: