First Band Confirmed (NO Choice but to go public)


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
I have had a problem this year with a booking agent. I have just found out that news is spreading about their appearance at the festival. There is no use holding off on announcing them. Thus, I will announce them now and then one band on Feb 1st. I will then proceed as planned with the two bands/week schedule. My website will not be updated until this evening when I get home to reflect this post.

Therion is indeed confirmed.

I'm also proud to say that they built their tour around my show instead of vice versa.

Glenn H.
Alright!!!!!!!!! Great to see another super female-fronted band this year. Their last 2 releases kicked ass! This is going to be great!!!
Great choice, Glenn! I saw them a couple of months ago and they rocked Barcelona. Great stage presence and awesome live sound. Mats Leven was killer on that show!
Yngvai X said:
Just curious...have Therion played in the US before? (just tryin to figure out if they're one of the debut bands).
Well, they're touring the US at the same time (PP being in the middle of the tour schedule) so PP won't be their "debut show" in the US.. Just my thoughts :wave:
crap :erk: , knowing the date the day before everyone else was one of the main gold badge perks...hopefully they'll be something new this year to somewhat make up for that :err:

i don't mean to come off like an ass, i know that this is obviously not glenn's fault and that it can end up being a huge pain in the ass for him, I was just dissapointed that having the date released early to the public (as therion did) devalues the gold badge a little bit

and this is like my 8th time trying to edit this post, it's not working :yell:
ReaLM said:
I'm shocked that they are not a 5th slot!
I guess I thought they were more popular than they actually are.

It doesn't make a difference they still have the same time slot. I don't mind having a hour and a half to kill, because I am not a fan but I'm sure there are many Therion fans crapping their pants right now.