First Band Confirmed (NO Choice but to go public)

nailz said:
And so you should be able to go out of your way to understand that even though 'last year was awesome', that is still merely an opinion. I'm glad you had fun, however, aside from seeing old friends who I don't get to see outside of the festival very often, it was a waste of my $95 and 35 hour drive. I'm not under the impression that you can please all of the people all of the time. I absolutely was blown away by the PPIV lineup. However, V was just.. shitty.
You must have alot of free time on your hands to travel 35 hours and spend $95 for a "shitty" festival (lineup). Perhaps you should have considered that prior to wasting your time and money. Furthermore, another more appreciative person who got shut out could have enjoyed the show?
nailz said:
And so you should be able to go out of your way to understand that even though 'last year was awesome', that is still merely an opinion. I'm glad you had fun, however, aside from seeing old friends who I don't get to see outside of the festival very often, it was a waste of my $95 and 35 hour drive. I'm not under the impression that you can please all of the people all of the time. I absolutely was blown away by the PPIV lineup. However, V was just.. shitty.

Sorry, but if Glenn has a problem with my voicing my displeasure, than I'm SURE he can more than speak for himself. Critisizm is the only way to fix things and make them better, so you've gotta take the good with the bad. Otherwise, you all sound like this:

OMG D00D WTF? LINKIN PARK IS TEH BESTAST BAND BAD ASSES EVAR AND LIKE IF YOU HATE THEM THEN U R A STOOPED N00B LOL STFU U HAVE NO TALANT CHESTER IS HOT!!. :hotjump::loco::rock::rock::rock::rock::hypno::hypno::tickled::cool::ill::hotjump::loco:

If it was such a shitty line up and a waste of your time and money then why even bother? Just so you could bitch about it later?
nailz said:
Critisizm is the only way to fix things and make them better, so you've gotta take the good with the bad. Otherwise, you all sound like this:


Can't even spell *criticism*

Even if it was only Savatage last year I still would have paid $95 for that show.....

Call me a fanboy if you want, I don't care...
1. Appologies if I come off as rude, glenn. The festival itself, was, and is one of the most fun places to be for a long weekend, no doubt. I wasn't commenting on how smoothly it runs, because it's a well oiled machine. My comments are strictly based on the band choices of PP5. With the exception of Edguy (which I was in too much pain thanks to PoS's performance to enjoy) and Brainstorm, I really felt the whole band list was just.. shitty.

2. I had high hopes for Wuthering Heights, Edguy, Into Eternity, Dreamscape, and Adagio. This is why I went, outside of the 2 facts that I could spend time with my West Coast friends and see some good metal, and PP4 kicked so god damned much ass. Unfortunately, none of those bands really made any kind of impression on me good or bad. I can't STAND Kamelot, PoS's set .. which I TRIED to like (I really did) was just fucking horrendous, and Tad Morose, while good, wasn't exceptional.Overall band performance: Shitty.

Do I realise I am in the minority in thinking this way? Yes. Do I give a shit? No, not really. It doesn't change my opinion. The lineup SUCKED. Thats what I think, deal with it. For everyone who actually had a really good time and enjoyed the show immensely, I'm glad you did, but it was just not my cup of tea. I went into PP5 with very little knowladge of the bands playing, and only took a listen to two or 3 clips from the individual bands.

As far as someone else getting in who might appreciate the show more, I bought the tickets off of ebay for face value a week before the show.

edit: " Can't even spell *criticism*"

I'm sorry. I didn't realise my spelling (which by my own admission is atrocious) had anything to do with the basis of my opinion. Perhaps when I learn to spell better, I can make a justified claim and not have to worry about people disreguarding my entire line of thought based on one or two phoenetically spelled words.

You sir, are so metal it HURTS.
nailz said:
edit: " Can't even spell *criticism*"

I'm sorry. I didn't realise my spelling (which by my own admission is atrocious) had anything to do with the basis of my opinion. Perhaps when I learn to spell better, I can make a justified claim and not have to worry about people disreguarding my entire line of thought based on one or two phoenetically spelled words.

You sir, are so metal it HURTS.
:Spin: Yeah, BlindPanzer didn't jump all over Glenn's mistaken spelling of 'prerogative'...
zekeyou said:
:Spin: Yeah, BlindPanzer didn't jump all over Glenn's mistaken spelling of 'prerogative'...

...I'm a fanboy of Glenn's too

EDIT: Can't we all just hug or something? :)
nailz said:
1. Appologies if I come off as rude, glenn. The festival itself, was, and is one of the most fun places to be for a long weekend, no doubt. I wasn't commenting on how smoothly it runs, because it's a well oiled machine. My comments are strictly based on the band choices of PP5. With the exception of Edguy (which I was in too much pain thanks to PoS's performance to enjoy)
Why? Did Daniel Gildenlow leap his 140-lb-soaking-wet skinny frame onto your back? Did someone drop a bass amp on your toe?

If you don't like a band's set, go buy a CD or something. Relax in the lobby. Cart some stuff back to your hotel. Don't 'manfully endure' the set so you can whine about it later. Get the fuck out of the auditorium.

If you don't like the lineup for a festival, and don't feel the need to listen to more than a couple songs from the bands before the festival, stay the fuck home.

If, as you said, a lot of your friends are all coming to it, hang out with them at their hotel before and after the festival, and don't buy a ticket. That way you won't have to endure a bunch of bands that "blow chunks" -- and the rest of us, including Glenn, don't have to listen to you whine about it after-the-fact. If all you came for last year was "a good time," consider how much beer/wine/lap-dance-action your $95 could have brought you last year in the comfort of your own city. Sheesh. Grow the fuck up.
Pellaz said:
Hey, Pellaz, take your stick and your dead horse and leave it alone. Why don't you go ignore 1/2 of another argument somewhere else.

So much for metalheads being a community of people who respect everyone's opinions.:Smug:
Can't we all put an end to this? Come on, what's the point in all of this? You all know it will take us nowhere.

If Nailz didn't like the festival, so what? It's his money and his time who got wasted, not mine nor anyone else's. I think you can do whatever the fuck you want with your money and time whenever the fuck you want...

Now, nailz, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to sound like an asshole and I'm not here to curse at you for not liking the festival or whatever... I personally think that if you don't like the line-up of a festival, you can simply solve this reason by not going. If you just want to hang out with friends, try doing something else with them... I just think it's not the nicest thing in the world to come and bash on a festival that you went and didn't like (And you went knowing that you wouldn't like). Glenn busts his fucking ass to bring us the BEST MUSIC FESTIVAL EVER (not even woodstock or rock in rio tops ProgPower in my opinion)... I think constructive criticism is something, while coming to the message board and saying "It sucked" is another thing. If you thought it was a waste of time and money, then I assume you're just wasting more time coming to the forum to post these kinds of comments...

I just truly hope, from the bottom of my heart (Sounds gay, I know) that we can ALL enjoy and have the greatest fucking time ever at ProgPower VI. And I know none of us (Not even nailz hahaha) will think this year's line up sucked...

And once again, GLENN YOU FUCKING RULE! Just make sure you book Orphaned Land! LOL
I already like this lineup immensely better. hehe. I'm willing to drop it too, but just a quick note that I didn't look at PP5's lineup and think "Wow, these bands blow.. where can I get a ticket!" .. I was neutral on the majority of them and looking forward to seeing Savatage (which, honestly, I missed, and regret missing it.. I just couldn't take Kamelot's awful barrage of muzak. :P ), Edguy, Into Eternity and Tad Morose, as I think I've stated. All in all, I went hoping I'd enjoy the show. It's just a shame I didn't.

And, as I've stated, I fucking LOVED PP4. I went APESHIT happy for that lineup. I guess 5 was just WAY too proggy for my tastes. *shrug*

So anyway, now that ..again.. before this horse becomes a zombie just to tell us to stop beating it, that'll be the last thing I say on the issue.

And moving on: I'm looking forward to PP6 so far just as much as I was looking forward to 4.
nailz said:
And, as I've stated, I fucking LOVED PP4. I went APESHIT happy for that lineup. I guess 5 was just WAY too proggy for my tastes. *shrug*
I now understand why you think POS sucked.. Wich In my opinion totally kicked ass ;) but thats just a matter of tastes you see? ... now if the other hand... I dont think PP5's line up was too proggy :P but.. well thats just my opinion.

I know POS put on an awesome show, and I know the people that wanted to see them loved them.. but the fact is, the 5 of us surfed latina porn on cellphones during their set. :grin: ... I think it was an absolutely awesome gesture of them to allow the fans to pick the songs. Just really not my cup of METAL. :O

Ok I can understand you thinking Brainstorm kicked much ass, they did. But Tad Morose owned that show until Brainstorm hit the stage. I'm curious as to what else that band had to do to impress you if you thought they sucked.

For me, aside from POS which I've given chances to like and I just don't (sorry POS guys and fans) I liked 9/10 bands last year. I was dissapointed in Adagio's performance though, I thought they were boring, but I do like the albums. So, I went and grabbed a beer and a cd or something after a few of their tunes.

I thought POS was the only prog-heavy band last year as well, so I don't see the "too proggy" thing, but that's my opinion.

See, a discussion with no name calling... it can happen. hehe :loco:
Creeps said:
I thought POS was the only prog-heavy band last year as well, so I don't see the "too proggy" thing, but that's my opinion.

"Prog" and "power" are very slippery labels, and one man's prog-metal band might be another woman's power-metal band....but last year I'd have filed Dreamscape, Adagio, Wuthering Heights,PoS (of course) and Into Eternity into the prog-metal category (IE being also one of the 'oddball bands'*). Savathingy, with more of a power-metal origin but a strong following amongst prog-metal fans, teetered on the brink of both. :)

* @ 2003 Ruthven (he first used the phrase "oddball band," we think)
Pellaz said:
* @ 2003 Ruthven (he first used the phrase "oddball band," we think)

Haha, my personal contribution to "ProgPower culture." ;)

As for the raging debates about line-ups and whatnot here, I can see both sides of the issue. I can go to ProgPower without knowing most of the bands and expect to have a great time. But I also only have to drive 90 minutes to get to the venue :) I can understand the trepidation of folks unwilling to spend large amounts of money just to hang out with friends and shop at the best metal store I have ever seen ;) But for everyone who chooses not to go, more will gladly take their place.

Ultimately it's a matter of priorities.

As for me...bring on the oddballs! Woohoo!
am_ash2 said:
Okay, we have another match in the mud wrestling pit!
Nailz v. Pellaz

hehe. Please, no. I bruise easy.

<deep announcer-voice>

"We've turned Earthlink Live into a giant MUUUD PIIIIIIT!!

Giant Monster Trucks! Graaaaaaaaavediggerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr."

</deep announcer-voice>
