First Band Confirmed (NO Choice but to go public)

Pellaz said:

Do you have an inside source told you that Gravedigger is playing?!?


(even though I do like Gravedigger and wouldn't mind seeing them perform ;) )
You know Im finally getting around to listening to the rest of the soundclips on Manticora's site....


They're fucking AWESOME. Glenn, it might be a problem having these guys on first on the first day...they're gonna kill the whole audience and theres not gonna be anyone left alive to enjoy the rest of the bands :D
Yngvai X said:
You know Im finally getting around to listening to the rest of the soundclips on Manticora's site....


They're fucking AWESOME. Glenn, it might be a problem having these guys on first on the first day...they're gonna kill the whole audience and theres not gonna be anyone left alive to enjoy the rest of the bands :D

That's one of the beautiful things about ProgPower: discovering great bands! That's why I'll never complain about Glenn's line-up. He's always surprising me....awesomely! :worship:
I started downloading Hyperion by Manticora and it was pretty good... but sometimes the singer sounds retarded or something. So the singer bothers me at times but all in all I think they are an incredible opening band.
Mephistopheles said:
I started downloading Hyperion by Manticora and it was pretty good... but sometimes the singer sounds retarded or something. So the singer bothers me at times but all in all I think they are an incredible opening band.
I bought Lemuria/Sirius B and Theli from Therion and they are great? any other essentials from this band?
BlindPanzer said:
I bought Lemuria/Sirius B and Theli from Therion and they are great? any other essentials from this band?

Vovin and Secret of the Runes.
As far as Therion albums go... Lemuria and Sirius B are incredible. and then just work your way back... might want to skip Diggeal though. not the greatest album from them. but not bad.
Mephistopheles said:
As far as Therion albums go... Lemuria and Sirius B are incredible. and then just work your way back... might want to skip Diggeal though. not the greatest album from them. but not bad.

Why do you say skip Deggial? It's definitely not as easy to get into as Sirius B and Lemuria or Vovin, however, I do believe it's quite rewarding once it unfolds.

Don't skip it! :)
Ruthven said:
Do you have an inside source told you that Gravedigger is playing?!?


(even though I do like Gravedigger and wouldn't mind seeing them perform ;) )


I'd better clarify, for those who don't live in redneck-infested areas.... "Gravedigger" is also a famous "monster" truck. The radio ads for the monster-truck competitions were really a hoot. "We've turned the entire Omni into a giant muuuuuuuuud pit!"

Hmmm. If I were financing a monster truck, I'd name it Running Wild. (Somehow, with the target audience, I don't think "Stratovarius" would fly.........)
Okay, okay.

I'll rename the truck "Mortiis" to avoid any further confusion. :D :D

(Somehow I doubt Glenn is booking Mortiis for ProgPower.

"As the really oddball performer this year, we have Mortiis. Although he claims not to appear in the movie Legend as a troll, we know better."*)

* Apologies to Mortiis for the joke, as he's a pretty cool guy. We (friends' band and I) had to share a dressing-room with him once at the Masquerade. It was....interesting.
Oakenson said:
Era I Mortiis is brilliant music.

Incidentally, the tour I mentioned (in the footnote, egads) was for Mortiis' Stargate CD, which I think is the Mortiis period you're referring to. It was Mortiis' first show on the tour due to visa problems getting into the States, and they were just happy to be playing at all, as their van broke down on the way to the venue. They did pretty well, too, with some diehard Emperor fans sticking it out 'til the end. Godhead opened, then Mortiis, then Diet of Worms, then Christian Death headlining. Alas, much of the crowd dispersed during DoW's set because, well, they were lousy (despite Damond Jiniya fronting them -- I still can't figure out how they could have cleared a room so quickly).

That was before I got my digital camera, which is a shame because Mortiis' stage show was truly different and fascinating, well-worth the memories -- neet metal-tympani percussion, as I hazily recall, and I think Sarah Deva (ex-Therion, current CoF) was singing backup as well.

Hey presto, I brought the topic back to Therion. Neet. :)