When will you start refreshing your browser on Monday?

I work third shift, so I get home from work around 7:30 AM. I'll fire up the UM board around that time. I do my posting in the morning, and will probably sleep in the evening, so if he doesn't post it before about noon I will see it wen I awake around 8 PM.

Bad Girl Tess said:
Glenn - maybe you could set something up on here like mlb.com to send updates to cell phones. You charge for the service (obviously) and send out the updates when you posts big announcements like the cancellation and new bands.

I'd rather read it from home or work....... :Spin:

urinalcakemix said:
Mr. Glenn, is that some kind of CLUE?
Either that or he'll be getting some late morning n00kie (hence the
Harvester said:
I'd hit it
part :loco: ) and we'll have to wait till the afternoon! :erk:
9:15; 10 people in the fourm. Refreshes in 1/2 a sec. Let's see how it fills up and bogs down over the next hour.
Well I've got a nice 25-minute wait here. Fortunately for me, I'm an administrative assistant and can just keep popping back on here when I get a break in the paperwork.

Gawd, the suspense is killin' me!
No-Mercy said:
w00t w00t. i have bball practice...so i need to leave about 945...just not in time to check! this means ill have to wait all the way until 1230 to find out!! AAHHH!!

Oh man, with the prog friends I have down here I am likely to get a call from two people at 10:00:and one second...
BABS said:
LOL, just a mere observation right?

That was a great post!

The traffic more than doubled in 15 minutes!
Ive got one of those perpetual motion birds hitting F5 for me.
Ha! Wish I had one of those metalspe. I'm pretending to work.....