Where are u guys from?

Slidell, Louisiana, USA. I have met three metal fans here. Never come unless you come for New Orleans, which gets old after a couple of days anyway. The food is good, if you like that. I'm not a big fan of food though. I just like music, (there is way too much hardcore and punk here). So I kinda envy you guys from Sweden.
A city called Coquitlam, which is a suburb of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. For initiation to this area of Canada, we'd have to encase your entire body in rain (?) and pour beer mixed with sushi down your throat.

Coquitlam is famous (well, only according to me) for it's Cape Horn Interchange, the most poorly designed conjunction of roads and highways ever designed on the face of this planet. The signs are confusing, there's too many cars on the road, all in a hurry and none of them know where they are going, and if you miss your offramp you just might be headed down the exact wrong road... hey - just like life.
Wellington, New Zealand- in a suburb called Tawa (y'know, after the wood:err: ).

Not a good place to be into metal. For a start, hardly anyone tours here. And the music takes a long time to arrive- I waited a year for 'Still Life' to arrive :mad: , although sometimes it's quick, things arrive days after they get released, I really can't figure it out :confused:
I'm a 20 year old male from the cheery town of Morwell :s which is in Victoria, Australia. I also enjoy watersports and moonlit walks along the beach :loco:
Originally posted by metalmancpa
What's so bad about Rhode Island. You have a Dave and Busters at Providence Place. And I spent my first 3 years of college at URI.

What? You mean besides...

Rogue27: I live in Marquette, MI, which is in the USA. And Maruqette County is bigger than the state of Rhode Island. *points and laughs at the person from Rhode Island*

Well, OK. BESIDES Dave & Busters which is a killer place to go for TONS of virtual reality games and URI gets my vote for the biggest party headquarters in the state...but other than that? What’s left? There are too many people in one area to be happy here! There's too many people...too many cars trying to fit in this mini excuse of a state. Oh, not to mention the hordes of snobs that live on the coast. Ugh!

Oh, BTW, where'd you go after your first 3 years at URI?
Originally posted by godisanathiest

You are now twice a lucky git, for going to that pumpkins gig and living so close! :loco: Its not faiiirrr :cry: :spin:

well yeah i am:grin: , but it wont last long, i'll be in university soon and as that will probably be through clearing i dont think i will see any good bands for a while, i'll have to get a train or something home, and if i live up north i doubt i will be able too, but on the bright side, i went to the Pumpkins concert:loco: