Where can I find this shirt????

I've been looking for it for like 2 years or more now, my favorite Nevermore shirt. They only sold it at the BW&BK six pack weekend in like 02.

EDIT: They make the stupid chick version of it though. :bah:
Seventh Rising said:
I'm looking for the Nevermore shirt with just the "NM" in the pentagram.
I have only seen the girls one on line.
Any help would be cool...thanks :grin:

I take it you're referring to the design Jeff's pictured wearing a lot? Well, I managed to get one off eBay last week from a guy in Germany, but he only had the one unfortunately. This one has the NM pentagram on the front & a "I Am Enemy" skull design on the reverse. I've seen a similar design for sale by some online T-shirt companies but the design is the other way round and doesn't look as good (wear it back to front!?!) So....may be worth checking out eBay???
Rich - Rannoch said:
I take it you're referring to the design Jeff's pictured wearing a lot? Well, I managed to get one off eBay last week from a guy in Germany, but he only had the one unfortunately. This one has the NM pentagram on the front & a "I Am Enemy" skull design on the reverse. I've seen a similar design for sale by some online T-shirt companies but the design is the other way round and doesn't look as good (wear it back to front!?!) So....may be worth checking out eBay???

Yeah I wanted to buy it @ Graspop but I don't like the skull on the back. I am enemy is cool, and the dront rocks, but that skull :erk: .
I got mine from a very cool girl who picked it up at the BWBK show a couple years back. I have not seen them for sale anywhere else in the states at least. Maybe try Century Media overseas...they carry some other Nevermore merch