Where did the thread about Slayer/Megadeth go?


also known as ass-mode
Feb 13, 2004
Québec City
It started with a comparison between slayer and megadeth, where is it? I can't understand why it would be deleted
nope that's not the thread I was talking about, but close. By the look of it, Deron closed it before it turned out like the one you linked
seriously, the conversation in that Megadeth thread was pretty civil. People disagreed, as people tend to do. is not the idea with forums to discuss things?

it was kind of Nazi-ish of Deron to close it. ah well. at least now we can all get along.
yay for paddy
You guys must have been looking at a different thread than me then. All I saw was the same argument going on and on and on and getting nastier as each post was added. Sometimes enough is enough.
I did call the guy a moron a few times, but I thought I substantiated it with pretty decent arguments. Eh, I don't care, it's a forum. I just figured that as long as there was reasonably intelligent discussion going on in a thread, closing it was a little harsh.
demilich... they're supposed to teach you in 10th grade that you can't argument whether someone is a moron or not, you can only argue if their ideas are moronish or not...... hope you can make the difference.
AsModEe said:
demilich... they're supposed to teach you in 10th grade that you can't argument whether someone is a moron or not, you can only argue if their ideas are moronish or not...... hope you can make the difference.

Please let me know why I should have listened to the moralizing nonsense we were fed as we grew up. I can very well call someone a moron if I wish to, just like anyone (including you) could do the same to me. Would it hurt my feelings? Not really. It's the internet. And I wasn't just trolling/not offering anything, I substantiated my views pretty decently. Don't try to get all authoritative on me. You're in over your head.
Demilich said:
Please let me know why I should have listened to the moralizing nonsense we were fed as we grew up. I can very well call someone a moron if I wish to, just like anyone (including you) could do the same to me. Would it hurt my feelings? Not really. It's the internet. And I wasn't just trolling/not offering anything, I substantiated my views pretty decently. Don't try to get all authoritative on me. You're in over your head.

Aside from the final sentance, I was kind of with you there.

I'm not going to lose any sleep over the thread being closed however; the discussion becomes redundant when the threads originator refuses to discuss the reasons behind his proposals and then just continues to assert his own propositions without explanation.