Where did your nickname comes from?

I greedily snagged mine from a Fields Of The Nephilim song called Psychonaut Lib III. They're not metal... more goth rock but I've been a fan for many years. Thought the name was cool and ever better, it wasn't taken.

I always wondered whether your name came from that song, hehehe. Cool!
I have been on the internet since 1994 or so. I have been on many message boards, usenet etc. I tried many different nicknames and it got a little tough remembering all of them, so I just went with an easy one.... my first name.

Sure I'll play along...
It's quite simple.
Back in '97 when I got my first computer I was signing up for an email address on yahoo and had to come up with a user name...
being a Motley Crue fan for years and a huge Nikki Sixx fan I knew I wanted to use Sixx. I wasn't sure of a what to add to Sixx. At the time they had just released their reunion album with Vince Generation Swine. I thought how about adding swine on the tail end... Sound good at the time so I went with it...

Glad you played along, finally. Always wondered about your name...knew the sixx part, but never understood why the swine. Now I know. It's a really cool and memorable nickname.
it turned out to be a pretty shitty album though....

Yeah that's what puzzles me. I made the connection since the first time I entered the forum and met the people, but I never knew why somebody who seemed a MC fan picked that album for the nickname. Now I understand, thanks. :Saint:
My nick is the Japanese phonetic spelling of my nickname in real life. Drop the pronunciation of the "u" at the beginning and end. This is about as close as I can get since there are several letters that can't really be reproduced in Japanese.
There's this piece of modern poetry by B. Dickinson that I always liked:

The smell of resined leather
The steely iron mask
As you cut and thrust and parried at the
fencing master's call

One of my favorite Maiden songs :grin: :kickass:

Mine is my first name. It's Spanish for "April" only spelled with a "y" instead of an "i". My parents named me after the Deep Purple song.
Even though there is some other goofball with the name of KMADD on the net. I believe i was first and it was combo of my first name my biological last name and my adoptive last name. I put the 69 on myspace to differientiate from that hip hop loving dude and to have some indymetal.com friends on my page cause im EVIL69 on that forum.