Where did your nickname comes from?


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Even if most of us know for quite a large time and even know our real names I believe most doesn't know where the nick comes from. I kind of recall we did this thread long ago, but many people had left and many new (regulars and newbies) people had come so this is another chance to post about this.

Wyvern is a mythological creature related to dragons, it has wings but only two legs. I'm crazy about dragons lore, so hence the choosing. Later I discovered that are a few metal bands going but that name (none of one I care about so far) and also a post WWII fighter from the RAF was named by that moniker.
Quit an easy one for me, but even English speakin people often don't get it quickly... I am a car-nut, crazy about (vintage) cars ....

I once worked with a guy whose name was "Rockin Ron" and he got his nickname from always listening to music at work. I thought it was a pretty cool nickname so I stole it! :D I enhanced it a bit with the double kk and yes, I stole that idea too from lots of eighties rock bands who thought it was cool to mispell everything! And yes I know... its lame.

I was listening to Electric Wizard's Dope Throne while I was registering. My first few tries at screen names were taken, so I just looked around the room...the CD was sitting next to my computer...
Very Simple, I closed my eyes and opened the dictionary... delize is from the word demoralize. :)
There's this piece of modern poetry by B. Dickinson that I always liked:

The smell of resined leather
The steely iron mask
As you cut and thrust and parried at the
fencing master's call

So I took the first line of that for my username (this was on some other forum before I found UM). Well, turns out it was long enough to mess the layout of that forum and I had to shorten it so here we are now; it's the acronym.

It doesn't make a lot of sense and it's nigh impossible to pronounce but hey. An unintentional plus is that it reminds people of TSO! :kickass:
Jim A. G. E.....

You don't need to know my last name, I don't especially want this to come up if people search for me.

You get the idea anyway.
Most people call me ozz or ozzman but with all the ozzy Osbourne fans + Austrailian Rock fans out there ozz & ozzman are always taken.

So I settled on the assault_attack the MSG/Bonnet album. One of my favorite albums of the 80's + I had just been to a Bonnet gig here in California. So there you have it.

& My e-mail address ozzyland I got from from Ronnie Montrose 10 years ago with his being ronnieland.
Real name = Marco
Country I live = spain

Quite typical I guess. In a spanish forum I write my nickname is marcolin (half my name, half in honour to mighty Messiah Marcolin, ex Candlemass singer)
John W, J-Dubya, Dub, etc. etc.
I think I chose 777 due to my favorite guitar at the time was an old Jem777, and just plain old J-Dubya was already taken.....
A certain Megadeth song, only the best one Dave has ever written.

You are correst sir! Paint the Devil on the Wall!

I chose Ramses, after one of my German Sheppard dogs. He ws all-black, one ear half-bent, impossible to see at night, when I'd let him run around in the field.....you'd just hear his ultra hyper-ass zooming by you...one second behind you, the next somewhere to the left, etc. Never, ever got tired.
the Stormwitch song by the same name
Priest, priest of evil
Adores the number six six six
Priest, priest of evil
Spits on every crucifix

Also works on a band level as our (my band not Stormwitch) mascot is a character named Father D.File :heh:

Now for the rest of the Stormwitch lyrics!:kickass:
Now the last rays of the daylight
Slowly fade away
Night's closing in
Outside of the village
There's a meeting on the hill
They call 'the sin'

Torches blaze
The air is full of sulphur yellow haze
Holy beast
They've come to celebrate your bloody feast

Priest, priest of evil
Adores the number six six six
Priest, priest of evil
Spits on every crucifix

Take the black chalk, made of bone-meal
Draw the evil pentagram
Satan will rise
Mix the fresh blood of a he-goat
With the ashes of a witch
Black sacrifice

Lord of hell
Ride out on your stallion, chime the bell
Duke of hell
Touch their feverish bodies with your breath

Oh, make them cry, make them bleed
Oh, give them all that they need
Oh, all is well that ends well

Priest of evil, priest of hell
I know a lot of shredders who love the jem777. I've yet to play one. How would you describe it's tone and feel?

Tone wise it had Dimarzio PAF Pros for the humbuckers, and a special single coil in the middle. I happen to LOVE the PAF Pro tone, that open vowel "auuuugh" sound. Kind of old school when compared to today's high output humbuckers like the bare knuckles or EMGs. It had a WONDERFUL warm useful tone that was good for just about any kind of music. Some metalheads would want a higher output pickup, but I loved it just the way it was. Nicer neck joint than the tilt heel RGs from that period. The neck was a bit chunkier than a wizard, almost felt like a shaved strat neck, but wider. I dig maple boards a lot, and the scallops were actually quite useful. I spent a lot of time tweaking mine to a point of set up perfection for me. No other guitar I have owned has ever come close. That and 7 other guitars were sold to pay the bills when I was unemployed. I'd kill to get just one of my Jems back I had a 90th, an LNG, & the DSY, which was by far my favorite for playability. Prices on these guitars now are just rediculous. All were in mint condition.