Where do my mids go?


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA
EDIT: I'm a tard and somehow managed to post this in the wrong section. Forgive me?!?! I wish there was a way to move this myself to save mods the trouble. Sorry guys.....

While my mixes are getting a bit more "even" over time, I still have a problem:

Even with everything HP'd and EQ'd, I'm getting scooped midrange on my analyzer. If I take away the 100Hz-ish region where my low spike is, I lose too much bottom end. I just can't figure out where all my midrange is getting lost at. If I dump a ton of mids post-EQ into the guitars, its too much on the ears but the analyzer still shows a huge lack of mids.

Here is a clip I made of one of my bands songs. Drums made in FL Studio, kick and snare replaced with Slate demo samples, and toms and cymbals are ones I've gathered from this forum. Guitars are LE456 and TSE X50 with guitarhacks impulses, TSE808 in front, and HP/LP filtering. Bass is silly old guitar pitch shifted down and I think I used TSE808 and a LePou amp sim with some sort of impulses (forget which one(s)).

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6443251/Mix 3-13-12 SLATE!!.mp3

Maybe I just need to utilize multi-band compression on these areas? I feel like I've just been doing something wrong. I hear a lot of guitar tones on this forum that sound wayyyyy more scooped than mine, but everything just seems to fit so well. :confused:
What settings are you using on the amp sims?
Also it sounds to me like your pitched-down-guitar-as-bass is eating up a fair amount of mid-range as it's not sitting in the right frequencies.
Step 1 - buy a Squier VM Jazz Bass or something cheap that sounds something like an actual Bass.
It'll be much easier to sort out your mids if your bass is actually bass.
AceFireForce117: Indeed.

Headof75: Amp sim settings are something along the lines of Bass 7/10, Mid
6/10, Treble 6/10, Pres 4/10, Modern/Red Channel, Gain 6-7/10.

I do need to buy a bass, but basically all of the recording I do is for demo purposes to show the band and just to practice mixing, so I haven't quite HAD to get one. But, if it will make the difference I'm looking for, then I supposed dropping a few hundred on one would be a +.
I do need to buy a bass, but basically all of the recording I do is for demo purposes to show the band and just to practice mixing
Get your bass player to come in and track the bass.. Then he can practice playing to a metronome, and you have something decent to mix.