Where do you people in bands actually find your members?


Dec 2, 2002
Chicago, IL
I often wonder about this because I don't many people who are in bands, and nobody at all who's in anything progmetal-related, so how do you proggies get into bands?
in high school, there are definately other musicians. i started playing with some gutiarists back in 6th grade who were at the same level in their playing as i was on drums. we asked one of ours friends if he'd wanna play bass with us. and with our keyboarder, he'd been taking piano lessons since he was 5 i think, so he knew his stuff. when i got into the whole progmetal scene thanks to the guys at the local music store here, i showed it to the guys and said, "holy crap this rules, wanna go for sum'm like this?" ... some liked it, and some were like "no, its good but i like nirvana better." its obvious what happened from there. to make a long story short, a few guitarist changes, and u've got ur self the best (and most likely only) progmetal band in my area :cool: It kinda happened just by chance, i mean i highly doubt anyone's a diehard proggy when their in elementary school or even middle school just starting out on an instrument. proggys are a rare find anymore, especially people who play what your looking for. i'd say if ur lookin to start a prog band ... ask around at the music stores. there hasta be someone there that either is or knows someone who wants to start a prog band. i hate to say it, but anymore its just luck.
Its bloody hard finding guys/gals who are good players who like the right music and aren't already in a band.....ask music shops and advertise in free music magazines.
... I had expected you to say the obvious: "Just look down!" :D

anyway, i meet most of the people that i work with musically by being part of the "scene". I hang out at shows that interest me, and get to know the musicians in the area. That way, if I need to do a live gig or something, I have a pool of known musicians that I can draw from.

For instance, for my last show, I got the bassist from a dream theater tribute, the guitarist and keyboard player from an yngwie tribute, and the drummer from a queensryche tribute: all KNOWN quantities who i had seen play live several times.

but the same idea works for putting a band together: if you want to avoid the long line of losers that usually show up for auditions, make yourself part of the scene, get some contacts, and get that "friend of a friend" thing going.

oh, and i find that most people who CLAIM in ads or over the phone to be influenced by technical music are freaking LYING! I can't TELL you how many times i've shown up to jam with a band that claimed to sound like dream theater meets queensryche, only to find out that they sounded like BAD sabbath wanna-bees.

"play him that one riff, dude!"

no, please... don't. :erk:
Lol, I don't have a band, we're trying to.

We're currently, me (keyboards) and 2 friends (guitar and bass), however we can't find vocals or drums.