where do you think the new album will be on the charts?

Sexi Alexi 94

Oct 10, 2006
im thinking they could get top 10 in a lot of places, and even top 1 in like finland and sweden. i saw that dimmu borgir got #1 in norway so its possible, adn megadeth got #2 in finland, so its possible :headbang:

plus the COB forum has the most members posting and has a whole off topic and finnish board :lol:

imagine if they got top 5 in the US, theyd probably tour for like 3 years :lol: .... where did are you dead yet place, does any one remember?
im thinking they could get top 10 in a lot of places, and even top 1 in like finland and sweden.
As long as Nightwish or HIM won't release albums at the same time, there's no doubt about it that the next album will be a #1 hit in Finland. This wouldn't be the first time... Top 10 and 20 positions in the rest of Europe can be expected as well.

imagine if they got top 5 in the US, theyd probably tour for like 3 years :lol: .... where did are you dead yet place, does any one remember?
It hit #195 but I think the next album could enter the top 100.
Him will release a new album Venus Doom this summer, and I think the new Nightwish album will come between fall and winter.
Him will release a new album Venus Doom this summer, and I think the new Nightwish album will come between fall and winter.

Actually both HIM and Nightwish will release their next album in September. The Rasmus will probably release their next album in early 2008, but I seriously doubt that COB would release their album in same week because last time The Rasmus sold platinum already from preorders.

I believe that COB will be number 1 in Finland and hope that they will enter top 100 in US.
yea definitely top 100 at least, in flames was in the 40s i think for US, and lots of metal bands have been getting high numbers recently. and i think cob is way more popular than in flames
Well I don't care for popularity, I just hope the album is their best so far, which I believe it will be, because now they have a good sound and more time to write the songs than ever before.
WHy does it matter? The more popular the CD is usually is in direct proportion to how GAY/SHITTY the band is.

For example:

Killswith Engage's new CD ranks like 400something on Amazon.
Most Bodom CD's are between 14000-20000 on the list.

Are You Dead yet was like 5000 I think, I haven't check in a LONG time though so these number could be changed. But I'm just showing as an example. Bands that sell the most are usually gay, even in this thread it is proven. Nightwish, HIM, The Rasmus... all fucking queer.

But whatever, also, the more popular they get, the biger venues they will play, ticket price will rise and more fags will be attracted to them.
WHy does it matter? The more popular the CD is usually is in direct proportion to how GAY/SHITTY the band is.

For example:

Killswith Engage's new CD ranks like 400something on Amazon.
Most Bodom CD's are between 14000-20000 on the list.

Are You Dead yet was like 5000 I think, I haven't check in a LONG time though so these number could be changed. But I'm just showing as an example. Bands that sell the most are usually gay, even in this thread it is proven. Nightwish, HIM, The Rasmus... all fucking queer.

But whatever, also, the more popular they get, the biger venues they will play, ticket price will rise and more fags will be attracted to them.

exactly. thats what i was gonna say...not the exact same words, but you know.. :p
I agree with Joe, it doesn't matter how high they score as long as it's a kickasss album.
WHy does it matter? The more popular the CD is usually is in direct proportion to how GAY/SHITTY the band is.
But whatever, also, the more popular they get, the biger venues they will play, ticket price will rise and more fags will be attracted to them.

And the metal elitist pricks who thought they owned the band and didn't want anyone else to know about them will stop going to the shows, allowing more space for people who actually enjoy the band's music instead of the status of listening to a cool band no one else knows. I'm not saying there won't be new fans who listen to the band just for the status but seriously, there's no denial that the biggest posers are the people who can't listen to a band just because they get more popular. Metal is getting bigger and bigger and is already mainstream at least over here, so if you people want to continue your ridiculous rebellion and wanna be so goddamn individual and unique you'd better move on to hip hop and rap.
Yea and I don't want some fag kids becoming fans for the band because it's 'in'. CoB should never be 'in', it should be unique. So let's hope the new album is not metalcore shit
And the metal elitist pricks who thought they owned the band and didn't want anyone else to know about them will stop going to the shows, allowing more space for people who actually enjoy the band's music instead of the status of listening to a cool band no one else knows. I'm not saying there won't be new fans who listen to the band just for the status but seriously, there's no denial that the biggest posers are the people who can't listen to a band just because they get more popular. Metal is getting bigger and bigger and is already mainstream at least over here, so if you people want to continue your ridiculous rebellion and wanna be so goddamn individual and unique you'd better move on to hip hop and rap.

I think people who like rap don't deserve to listen to CoB
im thinking they could get top 10 in a lot of places, and even top 1 in like finland and sweden. i saw that dimmu borgir got #1 in norway so its possible, adn megadeth got #2 in finland, so its possible :headbang:

plus the COB forum has the most members posting and has a whole off topic and finnish board :lol:

Though the finnish board seems to have lost all its posters..
I disagree, but you're entitled to your opinion.
I listen to little-known bands and "bigger" bands as well. I don't listen to something because nobody knows who they are, I listen to something because I like it. I would like to say that's true of everyone, however I know far too many people who only listen to what they hear on the radio. I actually think the opposite is true, that when a band becomes bigger, they (and I'm NOT saying this is ALWAYS the case, but...) try to cater to the larger audience (or do whatever the record execs tell them, in order to), and not stay true to themselves.
Also, I love CoB's music, and I support them and want them to do well, but I will admit I like them as they are, not 'mega-stars', not in the US, anyway. Smaller bands have always been more accessible, down-to-earth, play better venues, (by better I mean smaller), and I can actually afford to go to their shows. I don't think I "own" the band. And I don't wish to start a feud or ongoing argument.

I see where you're coming from but there's a lot of people (on this messageboard as well) out there who abandon a band when it gets too popular. It ruins their fun when the silly 15 year old kid next door listens to them or when you can find the band's shirts in Hot Topic. But when that happens, I think it's time to think about if it really was only the music of the band that mattered to you.

Joonas Lehtonen said:
I think people who like rap don't deserve to listen to CoB

Man, Alexi and Henkka will have a hard time doing gigs from now on..
^What I mean is, it's ok to like rap, but I think in general the group of people who listen to rap and shit, don't know what real music is about. Every time you go to a party you have music specialists and music amateurs. Liking (good) rap as that is ok and even being a rapper is ok, but regarding that as the top shit I think is a bit pathetic.
...if you people want to continue your ridiculous rebellion and wanna be so goddamn individual and unique you'd better move on to hip hop and rap.
That was a bad example. The hip hop scene is full of poser kiddies who come from rich and wealthy families and don't know shit about real tough street life in the ghettos. This scene has the same problems but that's because it became mainstream.

Of course everybody can listen to COB and you don't have to be depressive or full of hate and anger to enjoy their music. It's important that a band gets new fans all the time but it depends what group of people it will be. Who wants to go to a COB gig seeing mre than 60% of young kids with Linkin Park shirts who don't move during the gig and never heard words like moshpit before? Probably they don't listen to the music for the same reasons as the usual COB fan does and that's why he will have problems with it.

In a way I can understand some people here who are afraid of COB's new fans but in the end you can't change it and just have to accept it. It's YOU who help COB getting more popular because you buy the albums and are responsible that they enter the charts and their videos get more airplay and other stuff (Viva La Bands). But does this change the quality of the music or the band's attitude? No. So you can still listen to the albums and if you don't enjoy going to COB gigs anymore, then go to gigs of underground bands.

(By the way I don't want you to stop buying the albums and start downloading them!!! :p )