where do you think the new album will be on the charts?

And the metal elitist pricks who thought they owned the band and didn't want anyone else to know about them will stop going to the shows, allowing more space for people who actually enjoy the band's music instead of the status of listening to a cool band no one else knows. I'm not saying there won't be new fans who listen to the band just for the status but seriously, there's no denial that the biggest posers are the people who can't listen to a band just because they get more popular. Metal is getting bigger and bigger and is already mainstream at least over here, so if you people want to continue your ridiculous rebellion and wanna be so goddamn individual and unique you'd better move on to hip hop and rap.

+1, I agree. I mean, there is a certain feeling you get from listening to a band that not many others know of because it makes you feel more unique, and after all a big part of metal is that we are all unique (from society, but as a collective we all share similar qualities), we be ourselves, unlike the mainstream that seems to conform to these bullshit trends.

At the same time, if you think that listening to bands no one has heard of make you better than anyone else, then you're a total douche. I hate people that discover a good underground and then keep it to themselves so they can feel superior and then when other people start getting into that band they're like "OMG I listened to them first and now that people like YOU are into them it's a sign that they changed and now they suck".

I listen to a lot of bands not many people (here in NA anyways) know of. One of my fav bands that I would say no one here knows of is Shade Empire. I discovered this band a loooong time ago. They are awesome, and I spread the word about them as much as I can. That is what you're sposed to do, in my opinion. To move on when the band gets popular is total bullshit.

And also, to say you're a better fan because you listened to a certain band longer than someone else is again, total bullshit. People have their own reasons and opinions for getting into a band. You're not any cooler because you listened to CoB before Alexander left and shit. I mean I've been into them since 2003, just before Alexander left in fact. And I don't think that makes me any better than someone who just bought AYDY and loves it.

I disagree, but you're entitled to your opinion.
I listen to little-known bands and "bigger" bands as well. I don't listen to something because nobody knows who they are, I listen to something because I like it. I would like to say that's true of everyone, however I know far too many people who only listen to what they hear on the radio. I actually think the opposite is true, that when a band becomes bigger, they (and I'm NOT saying this is ALWAYS the case, but...) try to cater to the larger audience (or do whatever the record execs tell them, in order to), and not stay true to themselves.
Also, I love CoB's music, and I support them and want them to do well, but I will admit I like them as they are, not 'mega-stars', not in the US, anyway. Smaller bands have always been more accessible, down-to-earth, play better venues, (by better I mean smaller), and I can actually afford to go to their shows. I don't think I "own" the band. And I don't wish to start a feud or ongoing argument.

A band is allowed to grow, and make money... just so long as they do continue to make good music. And you're right listen to bands because you like them, not cuz it's trendy or cool because no one else knows them.

I see where you're coming from but there's a lot of people (on this messageboard as well) out there who abandon a band when it gets too popular. It ruins their fun when the silly 15 year old kid next door listens to them or when you can find the band's shirts in Hot Topic. But when that happens, I think it's time to think about if it really was only the music of the band that mattered to you.

:lol: Yeh, I mean I dislike the people who buy the shirt and barely know the music and pretend they're so hardcore and cool because they listen to Bodom. It's sad when I see lists people make of their fav music that says "Bodom, MCR, BFMV"... I mean it's their taste but they worship Alexi and want to move to finland... it's just as trendy and bullshit as an ipod. I think that's where the abhoration for these people comes from. They ignore the skill and awesomeness of the music and turn it into some trendy hip thing. Either way, if a person genuinely respects and likes the music, I don't care who they are.

^What I mean is, it's ok to like rap, but I think in general the group of people who listen to rap and shit, don't know what real music is about.

I don't like rap either but it doesn't mean people who do are dumbasses. I mean I hate that gangsta rap shit about hoes and pimpin and drugs cuz it's all a big make believe scam they sell to kids and it's really destroyin the youth. But there is some rap I do respect.

In a way I can understand some people here who are afraid of COB's new fans but in the end you can't change it and just have to accept it. It's YOU who help COB getting more popular because you buy the albums and are responsible that they enter the charts and their videos get more airplay and other stuff (Viva La Bands). But does this change the quality of the music or the band's attitude? No.

It's hard to say how high the upcoming album is gonna be on the charts in Finland, but I think it's gonna do well in Soundi- magazines year voting.
Originally Posted by Joonas Lehtonen
I think people who like rap don't deserve to listen to CoB

So i don't deserve to listen to Cob Huh. Ya know not all rap is bad. Rap has changed over the yrs and it's not the same as REAL Hip hop from back in the day. Yeah today Rap is shit but back in the day it wasn't bad. No need to dis a whole genre of music . Learn more about he genre of music you are dissing first.
I don't like rap either but it doesn't mean people who do are dumbasses. I mean I hate that gangsta rap shit about hoes and pimpin and drugs cuz it's all a big make believe scam they sell to kids and it's really destroyin the youth. But there is some rap I do respect.

Some of my pals hate metal and only listen to rap. These same fucking songs play every time we have a party. There is some good rap out there which I respect but that is not it. And when I play some metal, they're like AAAAAAAAHHHH turn it off turn it off my ears are bleeding!!! I think it's gotta be some kind of rebel thing.. once these guys come to a party where they have no control over what music is played, they plug their mp3s headset on and go jamming to a corner
Some of my pals hate metal and only listen to rap. These same fucking songs play every time we have a party. There is some good rap out there which I respect but that is not it. And when I play some metal, they're like AAAAAAAAHHHH turn it off turn it off my ears are bleeding!!! I think it's gotta be some kind of rebel thing.. once these guys come to a party where they have no control over what music is played, they plug their mp3s headset on and go jamming to a corner

thats pretty rude of them of listen to their Mp3s at a party just because they don't like the music
Like duh 1st place is for sure, heh just kidding.
I didn't ever saw them because I don't really care what place
are they because for me they are always the best.
I've been wondering how well-known CoB is in Canada, because there seems to be tons of people from there posting on this forum. This, at least to me has been surprising and very nice of course, because I've always connected Canada with more poppish music (Lavigne, Celine Dion etc.) I'm just glad to notice, that I've been wrong.

edit. failed
I've been wondering how well-known CoB is in Canada, because there seems to be tons of people from there posting on this forum. This, at least to me has been surprising and very nice of course, because I've always connected Canada with more poppish music (Lavigne, Celine Dion etc.) I'm just glad to notice, that I've been wrong.

edit. failed

Ya COB is very popular in Canada at least in Québec most people who listen to metal down here know COB. Out of the people that listen to music at my school at least half are into metal. Listening to Celine Dion and Lavigne is considered an insult lol they are so lame!!