Where does Metal go now...

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
I've finally gotten around to reading "Lords of Chaos". After reading the first few chapters, where the author discusses the lineage and history of Black Metal, I've begun to wonder what will be the next step in Metal's evolution. Over the years, it seems Metal has been cross-pollinated with everything from Opera and Classical, Rap and Hardcore Punk, Jazz and Ambient. So, what's left? Has it reached the end of the road?

Lords of Chaos is a great book. NO country metal , I thought thats what Metallica had been trying to do on Load and Reload or was that just bluesy crap. Somebody always comes up with something not necessarily new but taking other genres and melding them together.
Sanctums said:
What has metal really done with jazz.

I thought there had been several excursions into jazz: Yakuza, Ephel Duath, some Solefald, etc. There's jazz in lots of technical prog. Jazz instruments have been used in metal -- even Carpathian Forest made good use of a sax.

But if we're talking real "miles davis" type stuff, then I'm not sure. I'm no expert simply because I don't listen to jazz.
JayKeeley said:
I thought there had been several excursions into jazz: Yakuza, Ephel Duath, some Solefald, etc. There's jazz in lots of technical prog. Jazz instruments have been used in metal -- even Carpathian Forest made good use of a sax.

But if we're talking real "miles davis" type stuff, then I'm not sure. I'm no expert simply because I don't listen to jazz.
Carpathian Forest using a sax? Don't tell me that fat guy farted in it and it produced music!
JayKeeley said:
Metal reached the end of the road at the second wave of black metal. Everything since has been a hybrid of sub-genres.
So, you don't think we'll ever see a truly new genre, one that isn't just an amalgamation of already existing genres?

General Zod said:
So, you don't think we'll ever see a truly new genre, one that isn't just an amalgamation of already existing genres?


I doubt that we'll see something created out of nothing that will amaze everyone and spawn a thousand imitators and metal doesn't need something radically different to happen to ensure its survival, at this point nothing can be 100% original, but I don't think it's too late to avoid complete stagnation and there are enough forward thinking bands left to provide inspiration for the future...
Raggae metal might sound kinda cool. In terms of futuristic metal, obviously much of it will be done solely by computers - program it to "mix this style" and "mix that style" until you reach something that sounds decent.

How 'bout show tunes metal? :loco: