Where in the hell can a person view the "I, VOYAGER" video?


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
Visit site
I've seen threads about the "I, Voyager" video and have seen some pictures from it, but have not yet seen the video. I watch Headbangers Ball on MTV2 and Uranium on FUSE and I don't believe it has been shown yet. If i'm wrong please correct me. If there is another way to view the video, please let me know.

Other shit. Talked to ledmag last night. He is doing fine and says "Hey". Current playlist includes: VELVET REVOLVER/ CONTRABAND, FEAR FACTORY/ ARCHETYPE, MACHINE HEAD/ ASHES...., MASTODON/LEVIATHAN, DEATH ANGEL/ART OF DYING. Anxiously awaiting new SHADOW FALL, MEGADETH, AND MESHUGGAH. I have heard new songs from each on the SIRIUS radio network.
Also, happy belated B-Day Tee.

yeah no joke Hemi..lol! but i really hope it works this time..otherwise MTV dies!!!
i wont be able to watch since ill be out doing something but i hope it airs!!!
thanks Steve!
Regarding Dragonlord, we are and have been writing the new album for about the last 1 1/2 years or so, and will debut a song or two at Seattle Metal Fest this year as well.
Testament news : I would say check the website. Most accurate info on their happenings as of late in the form of a press release by Thrill Mgmt.
METAL!!! :hotjump:

ZANEX said:
Thanks for the info Steve. Do you have information regarding the new Testament or a new Dragonlord release? If so, please share the wealth. I'm anxiously awaiting the video.
ZANEX said:
Other shit. Talked to ledmag last night. He is doing fine and says "Hey".

Also, happy belated B-Day Tee.

ad 1) wow, tell him "hey back" :grin:
ad 2) thank you so much, I checked your thread just now. :)
ad 3) cheers! :wave: kissy to Iann. :)
Thanks for the info Steve. I'm listening to Rapture right now, "Unholy Void". Another question Steve. You where in the band Vicious Rumors, Correct? If not, please correct me. Tee, thanks for the reply. I'll give Iann a big kiss and hug from you. I'll try to post new pictures soon.