Where is Caillac?

Actaully, I've been meaning to ask the EXACT same question, as I kinda need to talk the her most exalted one..... it's kinda important. :oops: Haven't seen her anywhere recently actually :(

Oh, and it was funnier when it was Possum who was missing Koichi. :Smug:
EagleFlyFree said:
you have no conversational skills at all apparently, but yeah keep trying to look mean, eventually she'll get tired of you and piss off and you'll think you've won your little battle and you'll be happy for a while

Ok, thank's for your input. You are right, I have no conversational skills at all. Which is why people such as Caelestia enjoy talking to me on MSN. You can fuck off you, you and your beloved whore.
If you are eluding the fact that I'm not intelligent because I am calling you a whore, it is the worst arguement ever. What would like me to call, that would be intelligent for you?

I find it disrespectful that I ask a question about where Kathi is, and you people come in here stinking it up with your inane banter.

I wouldn't expect you or EFF to understand that though, fins and bodom fans aren't exactly the smartest people around.