Where is Caillac?

She is a whore, it's an established fact of UM. She has no integrity, I'm just waiting for her to post that picture of her bending over in this thread. She may as well, she's posted it in every other thread on here.
You do have a social skill problem, but it's got not so much to do with social skills as such but more with making a joke and getting people to actually understand it was one...
Just so you know, your sort of humour didnt even make me smile.. where's the point in making threads no one can give a serious answer to, calling people whores or retarded... Jeez, upgrade your sense oh humour dude.
Northern Viking said:
You do have a social skill problem, but it's got not so much to do with social skills as such
So it's not a social skill problem is it.
Northern Viking said:
making a joke and getting people to actually understand it was one...
If someone with Aspergers can pick it up, most people of average intelligence should be able to
Northern Viking said:
Just so you know, your sort of humour didnt even make me smile.
it makes me smile, and that's what counts, right?
Northern Viking said:
where's the point in making threads no one can give a serious answer to,
I wanted a serious answer to this thread, shutup until you manage to comprehend what is actually happening.
Northern Viking said:
calling people whores or retarded... Jeez, upgrade your sense oh humour dude.

I just call it as I see it.
Lolita Vampiriá said:
Hey! It's pasketti. PASKETTI. :loco:
Mmmmmmm Pasketti! :grin: My cooked paska is the bestestest. ;)

Koichi said:
She is a whore, it's an established fact of UM. She has no integrity, I'm just waiting for her to post that picture of her bending over in this thread. She may as well, she's posted it in every other thread on here.

Actually, I think we've covered this before. Loli doesn't post that pic (much). Other people do. Calling her a 'whore'. So yes of course you're seeing alot of 'that pic', but if you're going to contribute all of it's appearances to Loli's 'Attention Whoring'ism', then you're not overly observant.

Either that or you're just trying to be a funny fucker. ;) But in the process perpetuating the missconcception. :(

EagleFlyFree said:
and you're an asshat.
I'm sorry, but he called you and 'asshat'. :lol: And 'asshat' if funny. :lol:

Koichi thinks you're a rectal ranger, BTW, EFF. ;)

Profånity said:
It's good to see how many of you are missing Cailac.

Who? :err:

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She probably got her net access cut off or something simple like that. Although, she was pretty bummed out last time I spoke to her. Maybe she went away to sort some stuff out.
Caillac is fine, she's been really busy with school and stuff. She said she'd be back soon when she has the time.

Spike, she said everything is okay and that she'd answer your mail during the next week when she has time.

What did you do, mailbomb her? :guh: