where is this song


Brother in Christ
Dec 18, 2006
writen by Matt
"Hi All--
was bored tonight, and decided to have a little fun. I have constructed my own personal tribute to that ultimate album of albums, St. Anger (that was sarcastic, for those of you who aren't aware of my extreme disdain for that record). I didn't use any actual riffs from the album, as I don't want to get sued, but I did my best to make the riffs, arrangement, and especially the production, as authentic to the spirit of St. Anger as I could. I think it came out pretty cool.
It's kinda quiet, so make sure you CRANK it for full effect...
Matt Smith"

I saw a thing where i could download it and it didn't work where can i get it??

live for god

your brother in christ, revv
i heard it on ytmnd.com
extremly funny when i first heard it heh
then i figured out the person who made it plays in a badass christian power metal band about 2 hours away from my house