where oh where oh where is 64 bit trigger?


Aug 2, 2007
I have a client coming in in 2 weeks to re-amp and mix and they are using Logic x so I will have to export audio to logic 9 to get trigger going.

Developers have known about this for a LONG time.
Hopefully LPX will give the late adopters the kick up the arse they need.

32 bit on mac au.
Logic 10 install leaves logic 9 untouched so no problem there.
Client is using LPX for their songs I am mixing.
It would be handy, not stupid, to mix their sessions in LPX with all their plugins and software instruments intact rather than having to export everything and import into a new logic 9 project.
I could use logic 9 to trigger the kicks but I would be doing it blind rather than finding the best sound in the context of the mix.
I am staying on 9 until all my plugins are 64 bit and it's proven bug free.
Yeah, Trigger is one of the very few plugins that I'd really need to continue using if I switched to LPX. I realize Slate Digital are working on a lot of exciting new stuff, but stuff like this REALLY needs to be 64-bit compatible by now - if you asked me, every single commercial plugin should have been a long time ago.
It's a iLok1 and MacOSX problem, not AU vs VST - ie there is no way to use iLok1 and 64bit plugin on MacOSX. Trigger (and FG-X for example as well) both use iLok1.
Upgrade needs to be ilok 2 of course.
Not an excuse by any means.
I would think au and aax are both priorities.
New stuff is in being worked on parallel to legacy updates. So we didn't push anything aside.. it's just a tedious process to do.. believe me, we want it as bad as you all do. Should be out soon.

Funny you should post this, just saw on Facebook just now:

TRIGGER 2 is done, we're preparing for the release and I'm trying to get it out this week. Free update, 64bit AAX, and a few surprises
