Where the hell was the liberals??

Him heep big baaaaaad Injun!!!!!
I like the sub-headline "Hoka - hey today is a good day to die : his last words" (something like that anyway!), and then further down the page I think you could argue his last words were "I love you all. Goodbye". Still, it doesn't sound so good does it?
I'm always amazed by the fact that the right-wing is so hung up on Hollywood. Most of the left could care less about what some insignificant actor has to say, but the right just lives for it.

It's the right that keeps Moore, Sarandon (sp?), etc., ad nauseum in the spotlight. These people are meaningless to the left.
SoundMaster said:
I'm always amazed by the fact that the right-wing is so hung up on Hollywood. Most of the left could care less about what some insignificant actor has to say, but the right just lives for it.

It's the right that keeps Moore, Sarandon (sp?), etc., ad nauseum in the spotlight. These people are meaningless to the left.

I'm not so sure about that. Hard core leftist have control of the Dem's party (Kerry,Durbin,Clinton,.) You hardly hear from the level headed members of the group like Lieberman(sp?)
Mxgonzo said:
I'm not so sure about that. Hard core leftist have control of the Dem's party (Kerry,Durbin,Clinton,.) You hardly hear from the level headed members of the group like Lieberman(sp?)

You'd consider Clinton (I assume Hillary and not Bill) and Kerry as "hardcore leftists"?
If nothing else, Hillary has continued to move closer and closer to the middle the past year, or so. Of course, it may be strawbossing - an attempt to gain the moderate right's vote - but the Clinton's were never that far to the left to begin with.
Well I do believe that she is a lefty but she is also shamless and will say anything to anybody to gain politically. I don't buy into her acting like a centrist bit.
As for Kerry, You only need to look at his voting record and previous speeches over the years to see where he stands.
I have to agree with Soundmaster. The right-wing seems fixated on Hollywood when the vast majority of Dems could care less what an actor has to say. Making the assumption that Dems care about what Sean Penn or whoever has to say would be like me saying that all conservatives listen to Toby Keith, sexually harass co-workers on their cell phones and steal money from their work.

I do have to say this quote is humorous from the article "At no point are we not going to value the sanctity of life," said prison spokesman Vernell Crittendon. "We would resuscitate him," then execute him"
I love it too when people think actors have influence....

More importantly, I think there is a level of brain damage involved in how people use the term "left" or liberal on this board. It's so historically inaccurate to be meaningless. Calling people like Kerry or Durbin far left is retarded. Compared to anywhere in the world, or in any honest historical analysis of policy and econmic decisions of the two major parties, all most all candidates fall under the thin specturm of left-center/ right-center.

Mxgonzo said:
I'm not so sure about that. Hard core leftist have control of the Dem's party (Kerry,Durbin,Clinton,.) You hardly hear from the level headed members of the group like Lieberman(sp?)

You call Clinton a extreme leftist? You mean he´s like Stalin? And at the same time you call him a liberal? Stalin was far from a liberal. And Clinton was more of a centrist-liberal (maybe to get votes from soccermoms).
ZeeZooZum said:
I love it too when people think actors have influence....

More importantly, I think there is a level of brain damage involved in how people use the term "left" or liberal on this board. It's so historically inaccurate to be meaningless. Calling people like Kerry or Durbin far left is retarded. Compared to anywhere in the world, or in any honest historical analysis of policy and econmic decisions of the two major parties, all most all candidates fall under the thin specturm of left-center/ right-center.


I belive so too. And the same goes for a lot of european centrists and social-democrats (Tony Blair, Göran Persson). A lot of them are a lot more to the right or center than left.