where to by waves C4?

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
I'mm looking for the Waves C4 plugin....since it's so fucking expensive I wanna ´buy the native version, not TDM.

the cheapest I've found was yoursoundsource.com fpr like 290$
everywhere else it's about 100$ more.
unfortunately the mentioned store doesn't have it stock....
any idea where I could get it for a comparable price?
download version would be great
Yeah Waves sells it for $400US, that's a substantial discount at $290!
Wouldn't it just be less expensive to bite the bullet and buy the Waves Gold bundle or something? At least then you would be getting around 20 plugins for $1k as compared to 1 plugin for close to $300.
Wouldn't it just be less expensive to bite the bullet and buy the Waves Gold bundle or something? At least then you would be getting around 20 plugins for $1k as compared to 1 plugin for close to $300.

+1, Waves really does hook it up on the bundles.
Wouldn't it just be less expensive to bite the bullet and buy the Waves Gold bundle or something? At least then you would be getting around 20 plugins for $1k as compared to 1 plugin for close to $300.

Yep, I did that and am so fuckin glad I did. They wanted $800 AUS for the c4, and $1895 AUS for the bundle. The bundle came with a free years upgrade and with that I got the new H comp and H delay, which I must say I love very much.
Last I checked, dealers of waves products can't sell individual plugins any more. In other words, I think the only place you can just buy the C4 is directly from Waves ($400 :cry: )
Maybe demo the cheap/free offerings alongside the C4 Lasse and see if they stack up? I understand there are differences in the math which could lead to significantly different results, but some of the indie developers are really bringing the goods these days (for much less than Waves).
no, gonna do that today.
it's not much cheaper than C4 or McDSP though, so I hope it blows me away ;)

about the bundle:
would love to, but 1k compared to 280$ is a significant difference :(
mcdsp one is ace.. im picking up analog channel next month, try that while your at it lasse
Wouldn't it just be less expensive to bite the bullet and buy the Waves Gold bundle or something? At least then you would be getting around 20 plugins for $1k as compared to 1 plugin for close to $300.

this is EXACTLY what I did when I wanted the C4. Also get the L1, C1, Rcompr and Rverb amongst others, all of which are quite cool.
I bought the Sonalsksis CQ as substitute for the C4
and have grown to like it even more,
soundwise and parameter wise.