Where to get video played?

Aug 6, 2006
I have jsut completed filming my first video for my second CD to be releases in a couple months and I am trying to find web sites and/or anywere else that would play the video. At this time I am using youtube and myspace but was wondering if anyone else had personal experience with any other sites or TV?

Here is my video:

Anyone know what it take to get it on the Headbangers Ball web site or Much music? I head it is about $3000 for a video to be played on headbangers ball just one time (not sure how true that is).

Looking for any and all advice, thank you.

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I emailed you some possible info. Also noticed you got the video up on Blabbermouth:


For everyone that doesn't know already, I produced/mixed/mastered the album, and programmed all the drums. I also do a guest guitar solo on the cover of Obituary's "Gates to Hell." :)

It was awesome working with Peter on this project, really proud of how this one came out. All guitars are 100% ENGL e530 into Recabinet.
Nice clip, I love this kind of Death Metal, very brutal in your face !
Kazrog, is it possible to give info about the drumsamples you use ?
Thx in advance.
DFH 1.0 cymbals, along with drum hits I've accumulated over the years from colleagues who track real drummers (mostly for pop/rock sessions.) I use NI Battery to put my kits together and mix everything in Cubase.

I just ordered Slate Drums 3.0 today (as a new customer) because I am getting sick of the relatively small usable library I have. I was unhappy with DFHS and SD 2.0 (just sold them since they never got used on a final mix), so I'm hoping to find greener pastures with Slate Drums.
I emailed you some possible info. Also noticed you got the video up on Blabbermouth:


For everyone that doesn't know already, I produced/mixed/mastered the album, and programmed all the drums. I also do a guest guitar solo on the cover of Obituary's "Gates to Hell." :)

It was awesome working with Peter on this project, really proud of how this one came out. All guitars are 100% ENGL e530 into Recabinet.

Yup, I got the email and working to see what I can do to get it played.

Thanks again for all your work on the CD and drums. Anyone looking for a top totch engineer Kazrog is your man!

DFH 1.0 cymbals, along with drum hits I've accumulated over the years from colleagues who track real drummers (mostly for pop/rock sessions.) I use NI Battery to put my kits together and mix everything in Cubase.

I just ordered Slate Drums 3.0 today (as a new customer) because I am getting sick of the relatively small usable library I have. I was unhappy with DFHS and SD 2.0 (just sold them since they never got used on a final mix), so I'm hoping to find greener pastures with Slate Drums.

I'd appreciate to hear feedback and comparaisons of SSD3.0 against SD2.0. sorry for the OT.
great song i want more!!:) there is not so much bands playing like this nowadays, when i was younger i listened a lot DM bands like this, it reminds me great Insision a little .\m/(°_o)\m/.

hey Kazrog how you process vocals? Could you tell something abut it?
Nice death metal for those who like old school death metal.... (stating the obvious?) :D

Although, I gotta say man... that hihat is annoying. How many samples are there of that hihat? It sounds like it's 1, maybe two, firing off all the time... sounds like the standard General Midi sounds :(

Other than that, thumbs up.
Thanks for all the great comments (and just ok ones as well...LOL), I appreciate your guys taking the time to watch/listen. Youtube does downgrade the audio/video quality a bit so if you want a better representation of the audio/video follow the link below.


I LOVE the sound of the vocals. Almost sounds like a chorus or something man. Just doubling? It sounds great. Great music as well.

Kerzog will have to reply to this as he mixed the whole CD, killer job! I could say it is just my massive Death Metal lungs but that would be a lie...LOL

Nice death metal for those who like old school death metal.... (stating the obvious?) :D

Although, I gotta say man... that hihat is annoying. How many samples are there of that hihat? It sounds like it's 1, maybe two, firing off all the time... sounds like the standard General Midi sounds :(

Other than that, thumbs up.

Glad you like the song, I did post a link above that will take you to a better audio of the song...maybe you will like the hihat better there or maybe not.

Thanks for listening!
