Where to go in Cali?


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK
I'm going to NAMM this year, and a bunch of the team are having an extra week to cock about the place. We don't want to just sit in Anaheim, and we have some ideas about Las Vegas. But I'm also wondering what's going down for a metulzzhead and a bunch of musos and programmers who like booze?

Well San Diego is close, (2 hours south) but it depends on what you want to do. If you just want to get weird and get hammered, you can do that in LA. I personally am not a fan of Vegas, but then I'm not really a gambler.
If you're looking to bar hop, theres downtown Fullerton which is like 5 minutes from Anaheim, theres a bar called Slide Bar owned by members of LIT, occasionally they are there and every now and then you might bump into someone you may know, there are also ton of bars there. Theres a place called CHAIN REACTION in anaheim in case you want to check out talent arising from OC (not sure if there are any metal shows playing when you visit) occasionally you'll see members of bleeding through (I used to back then) and other bands hanging out there. Theres a bowling alley called LINBROOK (intersection of lincoln and brookhurst) thats open 24 hours, thats a pretty infamous spot for bands to hang out during late hours. I believe they stop serving alcohol at 2am, pizza is amazing there. Theres Huntington beach for bars, just about anywhere along the coast will have bars. But yea travel to LA or Hollywood, always a ton of things to do, driving and parking will suck but its w/e.
Coast. LA sucks and is totally beat, avoid it aside from Venice/Malibu for sightseeing and maybe Hollywood just for shits and giggles. Downtown Pasadena rules and Long Beach can be fun (all the ______ Beach cities, really), but they're not indicative of the state IMO and tend to have at least a noticeable bit of the fake LA vibe going on (image over work ethic, if you know what I mean).

My recommendations would be:

-San Diego. Awesome night life, great beach city with a lively downtown, a craft beer mecca, and will be great weather-wise that time of year (the whole state will be, really)
-Ventura/Santa Barbara. Slower paced, smaller towns, more character/charm than LA but still pretty damn beachy and "SoCal" feeling. I live in Ventura; I'd be happy to show you guys around.
-San Luis Obispo. Way slower paced, small college town but just a really cool, relaxing place. I went to uni here, can give you a rundown of what's what.
-Monterey/Big Sur/Cambria. WAAAAY slower paced, gorgeous scenery, smaller towns with more charm and character than you'll find almost anywhere else in the country.

If you want to make it a big boozing trip, I'd advise starting in SD and working your way north on some brewery tours. Or maybe the other way around since SD has so many. the SLO area and northern Santa Barbara county will have great wineries if you're into that, but otherwise virtually every city has 2-3 microbreweries going on and we've got the regional biggies such as Firestone, Stone, Ballast Point, Lost Abbey/Port Brewing etc.

If you can find time to make it up to SF that'd be worth it, too. SF is easily the coolest city in California and is definitely towards the top of the list nationally. I rank it pretty high vs. international cities but I'm biased towards cheeky liberal hipster-centric places.

Whatever you end up doing, shoot me your itinerary on FB or via PM and I'll give you a run down; I know this state really well and would love to help you get acquainted with it.
I bookmarked this thread just in case I'm finally able to afford the trip one of these days. I have always fancied traveling across the whole west coast from Seattle to San Diego.
Never heard a bad word about SF in my life.

I'm not an expert in any way, but that's the one US city I've consistently been told to go to.
If you come out to Vegas let me know. I can show you all the hot spots.

As for Cali, as someone who doesnt live there I think the places to visit are:

Hollywood, Sunset Strip, Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, Venice Beach

Those are the places that stick out in my mind as a tourist.

If you are gonna hit Vegas hit me up 702-582-6895, Me and the guys from the band will be at NAMM as well, come have a beer on me, I've taken the piss out of ya enough, and vice verse :p
Yeah IMHO Hollywood fucking sucks. Come have some beers is San Diego. Less traffic, cooler people, mellower vibe! OR the San Francisco option sounds rad. That's gonna be my next vacation.
I understand why hollywood and the strip suck if you live there but if you come from 5k miles away I think it would be a mistake to skip them entirely. I wouldn't make a week of it but I think an afternoon/evening would be worth it. I've always had fun blasting through there on tour. When I last vacationed in Cali I really loved taking a train up the coast. You see a ton of coastline, it's not too expensive and they stop all over the place. San Fran is amazing if you're willing to travel that far. Annaheim to SF is equivalent to London to Glasgow.
I've done Namm a couple of times. You definitely don't want to stick around Anaheim. Because the convention centre is situated next to Disney, the nightlife is very family & restaurant-centric, on both my trips there I failed to find 'that cool little bar' that I was looking for. Drinking is pretty expensive in the hotel bars and around the convention centre as they know they have a captive market. I would strongly advise visiting one of the liquor marts somewhere along Katella and stocking up your hotel room.

I would also say that if you're from London and know the metal night life here, you'll probably find Sunset Strip a bit of a letdown. As someone else said, Venice is cool, but my experience of LA other than that has been such that, I'm glad I ticked it off the list but i wouldn't go back unless I had a specific reason to be there.
Jesus Guru, if that's what stands out to you from CA then you either have shit taste (already established) or haven't been anywhere outside of LA. :lol:

He films porn dude.


If you are gonna hit Vegas hit me up 702-582-6895, Me and the guys from the band will be at NAMM as well, come have a beer on me, I've taken the piss out of ya enough, and vice verse :p

Cool man, will let you know!!