Where to put the monitors ?


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
Where do you put your monitors in your room to get a tight and focused low end ? I mean are there special plastic/wood/foam things to put under the speakers to avoid boomy resonances ?
I always try to set them far from walls but it's not that easy. Also is it better to have monitor stands ?
Aim to have your mixing position roughly 38% of the length of the room, and adjust your monitors to suit that. If you're in a small room, you will never have a tight and focused low end. All moving does is shift the nulls and peaks to slightly differing locations (the non modal ones). If you are in a larger room then just make sure they are not right against the wall, or in a corner. Above all, listen. Try a few positions and see what works for you.

Read the articles on www.realtraps.com for speaker placement. Acoustic treatment is vital for accurate monitoring.

If you're not soffit mounting, then stands are the next best option, yeah.
Aim to have your mixing position roughly 38% of the length of the room, and adjust your monitors to suit that. If you're in a small room, you will never have a tight and focused low end. All moving does is shift the nulls and peaks to slightly differing locations (the non modal ones). If you are in a larger room then just make sure they are not right against the wall, or in a corner. Above all, listen. Try a few positions and see what works for you.

Read the articles on www.realtraps.com for speaker placement. Acoustic treatment is vital for accurate monitoring.

If you're not soffit mounting, then stands are the next best option, yeah.


do check the real traps articles...i did so when setting up my room
What Ermz said...plus get rid of anything between you and the monitors that could be causing reflections or alter the sound.

and it can't be said enough - treat your room. It will make a world of difference, even if you're in a small room. I'd recommend corner bass traps and treatment on the side walls halfway between you and your monitors and also on the center of the wall you're facing (for me it helped with imaging). $300-400 can easily cover it. Less than $200 for DIY

Also suggest doing an analysis of your room before hand so you can see what the treatment is doing. This software is recommended by Ethan at real traps and you can use a Radio Shack SPL meter as a calibration microphone. Cheap and Cheerful.