The most common HS 80 monitor settings


Feb 5, 2010
Cluj Napoca, Romania
I know that lot of people have this monitors on this forum,and love them including me.:) so i hope that i will obtain some useful informations here.
I also know that every room it`s different and it does not exist a magic setting, however i moved 3 times in the last 2 years, and everytime it created me problems to find a setting that it`s acceptable...
Now i am finaly back home in my small 4*4 untreated room(treated only with carpets and lots of furniture), and i had no choice so i put the monitors near the wall and i am experimenting with the settings.
Someone said that the HS80`s best setting(volume wise) it`s wen the volum knob on the back of it it`s at 11 o klock. I usualy set it at midle position +4, and set my RME fireface line out to +4 db also, i wonder if this is good? or should i go with the -10db on the line out and on the monitor also?
Nex thig it`s with the filters. To me it sounds that these monitors have a little to much highs? i usualy cut -2db on highs , leave the bass, and mid filters flat, altough many users say that boosting the mids +2db makes it easier to mix the mid frequencies like on NS10`s and it`s very important.
I also notice a slightly, wery subtle distortion in the tweeters,maybe i am wrong...
What are your experience with this?
I never used the room correction before but now i put the monitors near the walls and the manual says that in this case i should use this settings becouse otherwise the lows will be muddy. I am a little bit afraid from this room correction thing(is it a low cut filter, or an overall eq?), an dunno if a -2 db cut will be fine or should i go with a more extreme -4 db cut.
So i would like to hear some tips , suggestions, what are your overall experience with this monitors...
Just the -4db cut on the lows here, to me they sound the most natural in this piece of shit of a room. I've been thinking about the -2db high cut since these are pretty bright, but as I've no problems with my mixes turning overly dark or anything, I haven't touched it. Never used the mid boost either.
Mine are about 3 to 5 inches from my bass traps. I have a tiny room. When I sit right at the back of the room I get a lot of low end, but in my listening position it's fine. I need to play with those switches some day.