Where to (really) buy new Bloodbath - in case anyone still gives a shit


Final Flash!
Nov 4, 2001
Visit site
On the official bloodbath page it has a "purchase cd" link next to "Nightmeres made flesh", that directs us to the Century media homepage, instead of the page to buy the new cd. No big deal, I can search for the cd at the site, right? Well, only the EP and RTC showed up. I tried a few other sites for the CD and came up with nothing. But the cd supposedly has been out for a couple weeks in Europe and months previous via leaked mp3's. Notice that nobody is even talking about the goddam CD on this board anymore b/c it's such old news now - and I still haven't even heard it.

I even prayed to Satan that I would hear the cd by now, and still nothing.
Thanks everyone for the links, in case anyone else reads the thread and is wondering which is cheapest, Sturmbringer's site wins at 13 Euro's before shipping. That's pretty expensive, I'll probably wait. :mad:
Might interest some of you folks to know that Nightmares Made Flesh can be purchased at the official Bloodbath website! Just go to the merchandise section and order away, if you have the $$$ and a Paypal account, of course!
