Where're all the scandinavians???

The last one I saw here was ArgHamster and he's gone too...
I believe he said he would be back, he was going away to look for work.
I'm From a place just a little bit South West of Scandinavia, called Montreal, and I'm here.
MikeyBong said:
I just had a "Decline of Western Civilazation" flashback!
"What if you don't make it?"
"Oh, but I will!"
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I loved that movie, I forgot the band, but the did a song called "crash landing" that is really good
DeathsHead said:
I loved that movie, I forgot the band, but the did a song called "crash landing" that is really good
I saw them open for Dokken and Keel back in early 1985. They did a kick ass song called Don't Take No For An Answer!!! :rock: Their guitar player Randy Duncan has been with Armored Saint for a long time now.
DarbysDad said:
I saw them open for Dokken and Keel back in early 1985. They did a kick ass song called Don't Take No For An Answer!!! :rock: Their guitar player Randy Duncan has been with Armored Saint for a long time now.

I found the song on the internet and dl'ed it--good stuff. Another thing I liked about that movie was Chris Holmes-can you imagine what his mother was thinking
Yeah I saw that clip on VH1 awhile back - scarry. I've never watched either Decline Movie - I wonder if they're packaged together now at a cheap price?