Where's Deadly ?

:lol: You're all obsessed with age boundaries and sexual trends, like the sex age minimum is 16, when if there were no boundary you'd probably be out shagging 15 year olds. Your opinions on people change completely when they climb over the age fence, mark my words.
edit: the age is set for the age of mental maturity, if it were sexual maturity it'd be 21. Most people aren't mentally prepared for sex at the age of 15, though 16 is the average age. If you're going out with somebody, I know a 16 year old with a 14 year old, they have sexual relations because they both know they're mature enough to do it.
^That's fuckin sick.

Yeah After midnight, they both look alike.
Yeah 1 or 2 years does no harm, but when it's that much an age gap, it's pretty fucking obvious that the younger half is too immature to bare the relationship or the true reason for it. As far as they're concerned, they're just friends who poke each others holes and feel tickled afterward:Puke:
Yeah 1 or 2 years does no harm, but when it's that much an age gap, it's pretty fucking obvious that the younger half is too immature to bare the relationship or the true reason for it. As far as they're concerned, they're just friends who poke each others holes and feel tickled afterward:Puke:

:Puke: :Puke: :ill:
:lol: You're all obsessed with age boundaries and sexual trends, like the sex age minimum is 16, when if there were no boundary you'd probably be out shagging 15 year olds. Your opinions on people change completely when they climb over the age fence, mark my words.
edit: the age is set for the age of mental maturity, if it were sexual maturity it'd be 21. Most people aren't mentally prepared for sex at the age of 15, though 16 is the average age. If you're going out with somebody, I know a 16 year old with a 14 year old, they have sexual relations because they both know they're mature enough to do it.

it's still illigal here (I think), 18 is the minimum
i am. i like to invade the neutrality of belgium on a daily basis