Where's the Anathema board?

Dhatura said:
I don't get the last sentence, Frodallan :)

Ah, sorry to hear that tone from you. It's ok, guess I deserve the scorn for being a bit to much of a Jimmy serious about stuff, tend to do that sometimes. the meaning of that sentence should be obvious, though I must admit it sounds a tad self-important now, sorry.
Dhatura said:
What now, Allantje, I didn't want to hurt you or your serious feelings, but I really do not understand that sentence.


Argh, I already admitted to being a tad self-important, no need to stress the point unnecissarily. Frustrated, I guess.

Tools seemed to get that sentence. I shouldn't give a fuck would be another way to put it.

Oh, and don't worry, you won't hurt my serious feelings no matter how E-smart you get, but I'm still sorry about that ordeal.
Dhatura said:
What frustrates you in particular?

Emptiness and nothingness might be the greatest hits, but usually I'm good at finding sth less important to be frustrated about, seems you're good at doing that for me too, thank you. Might be time for a different punchline though.
Allan said:
Emptiness and nothingness might be the greatest hits, but usually I'm good at finding sth less important to be frustrated about, seems you're good at doing that for me too, thank you. Might be time for a different punchline though.

You mean I'm good at helping you find something less important to be frustrated about?


Would you please enlighten me with an example? My legendary e-smartness has deserted me.
I'm afraid my legendary E-frustration has deserted me, so we might very sadly be stuck in this amazingly intriguing E-debate. I am the fool though.