Where's the good new stuff ???

just got the new Redemption, sounds superb at first listen. And downloaded the new Diablo Swing Orchestra album for a listen. That's quit an interesting album, think this will grow after a few listens. A bit like an over the top (early) Mechanical Poet album, with lots of operatic vocals, violins and stuff but still very heavy guitar riffs...Weird stuff :goggly:


I have been listening to the Redemption cd the last few days. My most anticipated release of the year & it did not dissapoint. Maybe not quite as remarkable as Origins of Ruin, but I think it will continue to grow on me.

I listened thru the DSO album once & I think it's a little too weird for me.
After a few listens (quit a few :-)) only 2 or 3 songs of DSO remain interesting. Indeed the new Redemption is in the same line, but I think its a tatty better !!!

I think we can agree on this pretty much.

As for now I guess I'm listening the most to the new Subsignal and Guilt Machine. Both not very heavy albums, but awesome melodic stuff !!

Guilt Machine dissapointed me since I downloaded (so it was right to pay $20 for the CD+DVD version, no point in the deluxe edition). Still after several spinnings I found it bland, I think Arjen is passing through a rough phase because the last Ayreon was also dissapointing. Hope he inject some power in his next endeavour.
Very unimpressive King Diamond impression going on there... :hypno:
Maybe it would be more listenable if it weren't for the very unconvincing (to say the least) falsetto vocals a la King.

They have a new singer now, but still they didn't impress me a bit when I last saw them (with the new vocalist)...
Time to pimp another album I have been listening to alot lately;

Rosswell Six : A line in the sand.

Perfect blend of Classic Rock, Metal and Prog !!


band members ;

Kevin J. Anderson (Bestselling Author)
Rebecca Moesta (Bestselling Author)
Henning Pauly (Frameshift, Chain, Shadows Mignon)
Steve Walsh (Kansas)
Michael Sadler (ex-SAGA)
Sass Jordan (Album Rock's Female Vocalist of the Year)
Alex Fröse(Frameshift)
Nick Storr(The Third Ending)
Charlie Domenici(solo, original Dream Theater vocalist)
Juan Roos(Shadow’s Mignon)
Janis Ian(“Society’s Child,” “At Seventeen,” etc.)
Shawn Gordon(ProgRock Records)
Enforcer - "Diamonds"

I hadn't listen to it, supposedly comes out next Tuesday. But if it'll be half as good as the debut it'll be a killer release for 2010.
Most definitively Enforcer for newer bands, a duty for OS followers.

The new Tarot album arrived and slays like hell, I think it even surpasses "Suffer Our Pleasures" which is my favorite.
I have to add Vanden Plas "The Seraphic Clockwork" to this thread. If you can deal with progressive metal, I think those guys are far and away the best in the business. Vanden Plas is extremely refined.

IMO, no. It's not even as good as Crows Fly Black., which didn't top SOP.

Disagree. GOL surpasses easily CFB, none top SOP nevertheless.

I think in the end for me Tarot is mor e a song band than an album band. Having all their discography I found I like scattered songs more than just one album, thus for example:

Love's Not Made For My Kind
Lady Deceiver
Follow Me Into Madness
Do You Wanna Live Forever
Stigmata (I feel for you)
I Rule
Pyre Of Gods
Riders Of The Last Day
Undead Son
From The Shadows
Crows Fly Back
Ashes To The Stars
Satan Is Dead
Hell Knows
Calling Down The Rain
I Walk Forever

not many for an average of 85 songs in studio.
Pushing some other favorites from this year:

Wuthering Heights - "Salt"
Phantom X - "This Is War"
Poisonblack - "Of Rust And Bones"