Whew !! last place I have to embarrass myself at.... Backstreet Boys.


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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Has anyone heard the new (not that new) Backstreet Boys song, "Incomplete?" Let's be honest.... everyone gets caught by a good "hook" sometimes and likes a radio rock song, I know I do. This song is different. It has a beautiful piano intro with a little cello followed by a soulful voice. The chorus kicks in with acoustic guitar and a little flute and a harmony vocalist. This is one beautiful song. THe last 1/3 of the song is a little busy and isn't worthy of the first 2/3, but the first part is so great, they could do a "Hammer Time" reprise and it would still be a good song.

I heard they had a new album out. I got some songs a while ago, I don't think I still have them though. I'll refresh myself sometime.

Yeah, being that the bubblegum pop thing is no longer the thing, I think they moved to a more Adult Contemporary sound or whatever, which leads to adding musical things that OMG someone under twelve might not find fun to listen to. ^_^
Barking Pumpkin said:
I heard they had a new album out. I got some songs a while ago, I don't think I still have them though. I'll refresh myself sometime.

Yeah, being that the bubblegum pop thing is no longer the thing, I think they moved to a more Adult Contemporary sound or whatever, which leads to adding musical things that OMG someone under twelve might not find fun to listen to. ^_^

Dude that ballad I was talking about rocks !! I'm not an "adult contemporary" fan, though I have listened to many artists like Sade (later in her career) John Denver etc. (obvioulsy not new material.) There is too much quality metal out there for me to get too involved in other genres, but at the same time, there is too much good music in other genres to exclude myself from by listening to metal exclusively.
Anyway... all of that is irrelevant. I fucking love that ballad !! I wish I wrote it. I don't know if The Backstreet Boys wrote that or they were just performers. That song has everything I would write in a ballad except for "overdoing" it at the end.

Heh. I bought Vanden Plas' Far Off Grace in the expectation that "Shape of My Heart" was the Backstreet Boys song. It was actually a Sting cover.

I like anything with good hooks and good vocals. Metal is my first love, but I'm not too snobby to listen to whatever the industry's spoon-feeding me.
Barking Pumpkin said:
I heard they had a new album out. I got some songs a while ago, I don't think I still have them though. I'll refresh myself sometime.

Yeah, being that the bubblegum pop thing is no longer the thing, I think they moved to a more Adult Contemporary sound or whatever, which leads to adding musical things that OMG someone under twelve might not find fun to listen to. ^_^

Is it me or was this the last thing you expected this dude to say?o_O

Bryant said:
Has anyone heard the new (not that new) Backstreet Boys song, "Incomplete?" Let's be honest.... everyone gets caught by a good "hook" sometimes and likes a radio rock song, I know I do. This song is different. It has a beautiful piano intro with a little cello followed by a soulful voice. The chorus kicks in with acoustic guitar and a little flute and a harmony vocalist. This is one beautiful song. THe last 1/3 of the song is a little busy and isn't worthy of the first 2/3, but the first part is so great, they could do a "Hammer Time" reprise and it would still be a good song.

I remember though, lots of the pop songs of that time with Spears, N*Sync, Backstreet, etc - if you took out the lame dancing and instead put in heavy guitars and more aggresive vocals - it would've been a hit in power metal.

In some ways, many of their elements are the same. The harmonies, melodies, structure of song, catchiness.
There is no shame in liking some pop music - too bad so much of it is turgid. I never hated the Backstreet Boys like I did, say, Nsync or Britney Spears (or, more recently, Ashlee Simpson). But a lot of people in "underground" fanbases get the mindset that just because something is popular, it's crap through and through.
i agree... i have gotten sadly attached to this idol girls lyrics and songs... can't remember her damn name though, heard on radio
Don't know the name of it, but they have a video that is on the VH1 Top 10 countdown. I didn't even realize it was the BSBs. They are all wearing 80's metal wigs, and they basically made an 80's metal vid, making fun of GnR, Poison, QR, KISS, etc. It is pretty damn funny (and a little sad, being a child of the 80's myself).

Steve in Philly
rottingflesh said:
i agree... i have gotten sadly attached to this idol girls lyrics and songs... can't remember her damn name though, heard on radio
Kelly Clarkson? She won the very first Idol. I really like her song 'Since You Been Gone'. She's got a great voice. I agree with ya Bryant, I like that BB song a lot...and I LOVE Sade. She make me all tingly in my naughty bits. :oops:

I like a lot of stuff that people on here would laugh at, but I'll admit to it without reservation.
Creeps said:
Is it me or was this the last thing you expected this dude to say?o_O

I don't have any reason to have something against the Backstreet Boys. I know I seem a little passionate about things sometimes, but I don't hate, I just like or don't like. Yeah, I probably think subconsciously what I listen to is the best stuff there is, but doesn't everyone? That's being subjective. The only thing that annoys me is when people don't know their stuff. I don't care if your favorite band IS The Backstreet Boys, if you know what you're talking about when you say what you don't like, then you're cool with me. I try to know my stuff as much as I can, and talk about what I know, not make ignorant statements about things before checking them out for myself.

Also, the Backstreet Boys aren't being stuck on tours that I'm interested in all over the place when bands that actually fit in should have been there. >_>
Barking Pumpkin said:
I don't have any reason to have something against the Backstreet Boys. I know I seem a little passionate about things sometimes, but I don't hate, I just like or don't like. Yeah, I probably think subconsciously what I listen to is the best stuff there is, but doesn't everyone? That's being subjective. The only thing that annoys me is when people don't know their stuff. I don't care if your favorite band IS The Backstreet Boys, if you know what you're talking about when you say what you don't like, then you're cool with me. I try to know my stuff as much as I can, and talk about what I know, not make ignorant statements about things before checking them out for myself.

Also, the Backstreet Boys aren't being stuck on tours that I'm interested in all over the place when bands that actually fit in should have been there. >_>

I figured as much, but still, I thought it was funny coming from you :loco:
rottingflesh said:
i agree... i have gotten sadly attached to this idol girls lyrics and songs... can't remember her damn name though, heard on radio

Hey, at least you didn't go buy one of those American Idol Barbie dolls though, now did you? Talk about feeling silly walking through Target. ;)
