which band do you think has the craziest...

Zephyrus said:
i believe it. Their music is so boring it's more fun to just go on a moshing rampage with each other.

Excactly my thoughts. When I went to see Darkane, Strapping Young Lad, and Soilwork live I was forced to stay to watch the headlining band: Fear Factory. I hated them so I got pissed drunk and starting heckling the lead singer (I don't give a shit about his name) and tuanting about how he was a fat shit. Anyway eventually me and my friends made our way to the pit where it seemed that the 20 or so moshers also thouhgt of Fear Factory as EXTREMELY lame and we ended up sitting in a circle, legs folded chanting Devin Townsend.

There was no Fear Factory encore that night.