Which Bodom song is your favourite live song ?

Well living in Australia I never have and probably never will get the oportunity to see CoB live....but off Tokyo Warhearts I reckon the best tracks are: Downfall('cause of the solo lol)
Lake Bodom
Silent Night, Bodom Night

Actualy, fuck it. They are all good!
Downfall; Lake Bodom; Silent Night, Bodom Night & so on...

Not-so-good livesongs are in my opinion Every Time I Die (it's better live, but still...) and Towards Dead End (maybe because it's played too many times already or something...)
i totally agree I love Silent Night, Bodom Night live, it seems more aggressive (ive never had the pleasure of seeing CoB live but from a clip I watched it was really sweet)
live it would have to be fuckin
that song is totally killer when played live !!!!

keep it brutal
