Which Bodom song is your favourite live song ?

Downfall, children of bodom,everytime i die, silent night,bodom night..aww they are all good songs !

and hate me of course
I didn't know about Janne burning his fingers but I think Jaska had a broken rib from a pillow fight (or something like that) during the filming of the Stockholm concert...
And didn't Alexi have some sort of cast on his foot as well? Seems like they're actually professionals...

Anyway, I'd honestly have to say that anything from Hate Crew Death Roll performed live is my favorite. I think it's their best album, and by now they've had time to perfect live performances of it. I think the newest album has some great material but I remember one of them saying they needed to practice it before the summer festivals. It's also mostly in drop-C tuning, so they either have to switch guitars or tune everything else differently, which tends to be a pain in the ass
I Guess that would be Towards Dead End cause thats an awesome song
and they play it really good or maybe even Lake Bodom because of
that second into riff they lets say it like "composed" to the song.