which drum machine that made "Theocracy-Theocracy" album.

I think it was a Zoom drum machine, not sure what model. To be honest, you would achieve much better results using today's popular software. Such as, Superior drummer, BFD, Steven Slate, etc.
Indeed. The drum machine used on Theocracy's debut is dated. You'd have better luck looking into other alternatives. If you could give a maximum cost that you'd be willing to pay, we'd be better suited in helping you locate something to use.
Acoustica Beatcraft is great for drum synthesis. Val recommended it a while back and I've used it quite a bit now. It may not be the very most advanced thing out there, but it's very easy to use and allows powerful customization, and it's only $40 (don't know what that is in Malaysian currency :)).

I like acoustica Beatcraft, although its cymbals kind of fail. They sound VERY generated, and nothing like a real, acoustic cymbals. I wish it had a way to record your own sounds to make a kit. That would ROCK!

And the only ZOOM products I have used before is the G1XNext. And it kicks butt!
I'm pretty sure the Beatcraft cymbals ARE real, and it's also very easy to make your own kits and use whatever sounds you want.