Which EoS to start with?


Your Psychotic Companion
Nov 16, 2001
Chicago, IL USA
As I said in an earlier post, Nightingale is what got me into the music of Dan Swanö. I've a liking for clean vocals as well as the stylings of death metal vocals, so I'd like to get started on EoS in light of all the praises people sing for them. That and the EoS tune Nightingale played at PPUSA 2.0 (can't recall the name, though the vocals were clean...) was pretty cool too.

Which CD do I start with?

it doesn't matter, they're all great.
But if you want to hear how varied EoS are, then I would start with Crimson, IMO it's the best connection between their brutal early and their middle-late career melodic stuff. It's the most diverse EoS album/song, it has everything from blast beats to spoken passages with acoustic guitars in the background, so maybe you might want to start with that one...
(and most of this can also be said about Purgatory Afterglow...as I said; it doesn't really matter :))

If you like one of those albums, be sure to get Dan's Moontower CD too...it's like EoS without blastbeats, but more complex and with keyboards. I guess you will love it since you already like Nightingale.
Try "Crimson" and "Infernal" (concentrate on the songs Dan is involved in...). Have you heard the masterpiece "Odyssey"? If not you´ve missed something fantastic, it´s a must... And of course the "Moontower" album is bound to be in every mans/woman recordcollection.

After we´re gone, the spirit carries on...
If you're interested in EOS songs with clean vocals...
"Blood of My Enemies" or "Sacrificed" off The Spectral Sorrows
"Black Tears" off Purgatory Afterglow
"Losing Myself" off Infernal
Try these to start. Nightingale has played all of them live at some point.