Which Album should I get next?


Aug 12, 2003
I'm a huge fan of Opeth, which was how I found out about Swano. It's almost ironic isn't it? Anyway, I've had Crimson for a while since it seemed like the obvious place to start, and I absolutely love it. I'm craving more though. I've heard a few tracks from nightingale that I didn't care for quite as much(the clean vocals don't seem as inspired) and I've heard the first four tracks of Moontower, which I really love. So should I go buy Moontower next? Or would it be better to get some other edge of sanity records. I was thinking maybe purgatory afterglow, or crimson II. Suggestions?
Get Moontower since you have at least some Edge Of Sanity already, then get EoS' Purgatory Afterglow.

Crimson II is more like Moontower rather than EoS.
Yup, Moontower, then maybe Crimson II or Purgatory Afterglow are a safe bet. But if you're feeling a little more adventurous, I'd suggest anything from Pan-Thy-Monium, or Karaboudjan.
King Fear said:
Yup, Moontower, then maybe Crimson II or Purgatory Afterglow are a safe bet. But if you're feeling a little more adventurous, I'd suggest anything from Pan-Thy-Monium, or Karaboudjan.

grr...I couldn't find Moontower in stock ANYWHERE. I had to special order it at easy street. It should be here next wednesday. I did pick up crimson II though(it was the only edge of sanity record there) and I listened to it last night and loved it. It's nowhere near as good as the first Crimson, but it still kicks ass.

Whats Pan-thy-Monium sound like?
PTM is very experimental, avante garde death metal. It's good stuff. Karaboudjan is basically the same thing without vocals. It's all instrumental.

I personally think Moontower is Dan's best excluding his CDs with Unicorn and Nightingale. They're on the opposite end of the spectrum.

Also I recommend you check out Edge of Sanity's pre-Purgatory Afterglow albums. Unorthodox is amazing. 1992 release. It's more like REAL old school American death enhanced with Dan's atmospheric musical vision. "Enigma" is perhaps the most progressive EOS I've ever heard. The rest of the album is really solid too with killer riffing. The music carries on a very mid-tempo momentum and Dan's voice is kinda different. I think his growls found to their true self on the Purgatory Afterglow and Crimson albums. Moontower was his best thing. Crimson II on the other hand is the first album with Dan doing death vocals in the last 5 years. I think you might like it better if you give it some more spins.