Which Evergrey CD should I buy next?


Dream Within A Dream
Jun 7, 2003
Reality Noir
Er, howdy. Through recommendation, I've decided I like Evergrey. However, I only have Recreation Day, but would like to branch out. What can ya'll recommend. Other favorites include Sym X and Guardian. Help, I need new music..
go in reverse order...

"In Search of Truth" is an incredible work of art...
"Solitude Dominance Tragedy" is one of my favorite albums as well...
"The Dark Discovery" is not nearly as good as the other Evergrey albums... it is still quite good though... but should be your last purchase.
I think it's totally weird that someone who likes a group asks which album to get. It's not like "Hey, I like Tristar Pictures, which movie should I see?".

Sorry, no offence, but I dont get it - cuz I get ém all if I really like it.
I think Solitude, Dominance, Tragedy... and than others! In fact if you like it, you should get all the albums. They won't be disappointment for you.
I began from Recreation Day about a year ago, after that was ISOT, SDT and The Dark Discovery. Even now I can't define the best one, `coz I like them all! ;)
I'd say buy In search of truth , their best album in my opinion
JHawk said:
Er, howdy. Through recommendation, I've decided I like Evergrey. However, I only have Recreation Day, but would like to branch out. What can ya'll recommend. Other favorites include Sym X and Guardian. Help, I need new music..

Get them all because THEY ALL RULE!!!:headbang: