Which Genre of Metal does each Entombed album belong to?


The Post Master
Jul 3, 2003
Manchester, England, UK
These are my classifications:

Left Hand Path - Death
Clandestine - Death
Wolverine Blues - Death
To Ride, Shoot Straight And Speak The Truth - Death/Thrash
Morning Star - Thrash
Same Difference - Heavy
Uprising - Death
Sons Of Satan Praise The Lord - Nu
Inferno - Nu

How would you classify each Entombed album?
I asked a perfectly reasonable question for a Metal discussion forum. Just because you may not be interested in classifications of Metal doesn't mean that everyone else isn't. My interest at the moment lies in how bands have changed and developed over the years. I thought that I could ask very knowledgable Metal fans about something which interests me about one of the premier Metal bands.
Left Hand Path - death metal
Clandestine - death metal
Wolverine Blues - death 'n roll (which is more like groovy thrash IMO)
To Ride, Shoot Straight And Speak The Truth - death 'n roll
Morning Star - death 'n roll
Same Difference - death 'n roll/ alternative metal
Uprising - death 'n roll
Sons Of Satan Praise The Lord - a cover album, so I can't really say
Inferno - death 'n roll
Death N Roll is a genre and Entombed went back to their earlier sound with Morning Star.
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Morning Star - Death Metal :lol:

Morning Star is pure Thrash. The guitars sound Thrashy and the vocals are'nt growls in any way.

After the Same Difference album Entombed went back to their roots and on Uprising they even used some of their older material.

Same Difference is just Metal, maybe a bit alternative.

Wolverine Blues has all the hallmarks of Death Metal, the guitars are Death sounding and the vocals are growls. After that the vocals don't growl and the guitar sound changes even more.
Profånity said:
Uprising is definitely pure Death Metal, Entombed went back to their roots for that album.
I wouldn't say so. The first track is extremely bluesy, kind of like a sped up Pantera. I'd say it's bluesy thrash, if you don't want to use the term death 'n roll. For that matter, all the CDs except for the first two fall in that category.
Profånity said:
A Genre means a particular style of music. I don't see how a style of music which only 1 band admits to playing can be considered a genre (general term)
I have seen other bands labeled death 'n roll, though none of them are nearly as well known as Entombed are.