Which guitar should I use?


Keyboard player
Oct 14, 2010

I'm a keyboardist, and while my knowledge of production and guitar-gear is beyond average I've never experimented with guitar sounds.

Please help me figure out what guitar+pickups I will need to use in order to achieve a specific tone I'm after (doesn't have to be dead on, it could be just a general guidance such as "use Les Paul Studios, use active pickups etc).

I am composing my own metal project (writing all parts myself), and I will at some point need to instruct my guitar player(s) which gear I want the parts recorded with.

In summary, I am looking for a Swallow the Sun-ish type of guitar sound. And while I know that in order to do that, Orange amps and cabs would help, I would love to hear your opinions on how to compliment that sound even more by choosing a right guitar (pickups too, and even mics).

The guitar tuning I'm writing to is C.

Thanks all!
I have access to a lot of different amps, so that's not an issue for me when it comes to actually recording it (or - reamp through the forum :) )
I've seen them use both Les Pauls with passive pickups and ESP/LTD ECs with EMGs. The EMGs will give you more gain, but a flatter sound, so it depends what album tone you're going for exactly. They have some pretty diverse stuff.