Which guitar to get?


Old School since '86
Oct 26, 2003
Ok ... I am gonna buy my first electric guitar.


I am not fussed about budget. I want something that is good, solid and an all rounder in performance.

Yes I wanna shred but I also wanna do other stuff on it as well. Yes, I am learning so help me out fellow Thraxans. :rock:
Ok im not actually a gutar player myself, i stick to its four stringed relation however....

1. Ibanez RG - http://www.ibanez.com/guitars/series.asp?s=rg&l=e
Just a really versitile guitar suited for hard rock heavy metal music - comes in a range of models depending on how much you wanna spend. Wont make you take out a second morgage either!

ESP - HORIZON - http://www.espguitars.com/guitars_standard.html
Sweet guitars imo - actually pretty much all the esp guitars are fucking nice atm. If the ESP's are too pricey there are always the equivilent LTD models - cheaper but still quaility instruments

Having said this there is a reason everyone plays les pauls and strats
Get a yamaha pacifica. Good value, versatile, and low maintenance. Why would you want something with a floating bridge if you're a beginner?? ie an rg series or an esp?

les paul's are expensive for a good one. You could buy one of their cheaper versions but then you'd only be paying for the name. Which is why I would suggest something along the lines of yamaha or washburn. Another good value are the fender showmasters. seymore duncan pickups, easy loading bridges, tight tuners, who could ask for anything more for five hundred bucks?

Also, buy a combo amp from Crate. not the best in the world at all but for a few hundred dollars, well worth it.

there are much better guitars and amps from what I've suggested. I'm only giving you a heads up on value and user friendliness.
As one of the few people in my large family who play guitar, each xmas when one of my little metal head cousins decide they want to take up guitar Im the person they come to for advice. Which is probably a bad idea because I just tend to go for the spikeyest monster i can find at the time.
I picked up a Dean ML standard for about 200 quid and its a really nice solid guitar but built for metal and nothing but. If your looking for a good all rounder I'd look at the Epiphone SG, they are fairly reasonably priced and easy as hell to play due to the thin necks. PLus you can pretend your Angus.
Whatever you decide, enjoy. Id love to go back to the day i plugged my first guitar in.... Happy times.
buy a jackson scott ian jj4 at ebay, not more than 200. (most ebay, write jj2, but the jj2 is the expensive one with dice at the 12 fret) you can identify a jj4 by the dots
If you live near a store like Guitar Center, I'd advise that you go there, find some guitars that look cool to you, then try them out. Don't let the salespeople bully you into making a decision - Guitar Center tends to do that. Eventually, you'll find one that feels good in your hands and is comfortable to play. (Make sure you're playing the guitar through the same amp set or something similar so you can get a real idea of how it will sound.)

When I was still able to play a lot (I've got either carpal tunnel or arthritis, which makes it painful for me to play longer than 15 minutes), I loved my Gibson SG.
Ok im not actually a gutar player myself, i stick to its four stringed relation however....

1. Ibanez RG - http://www.ibanez.com/guitars/series.asp?s=rg&l=e
Just a really versitile guitar suited for hard rock heavy metal music - comes in a range of models depending on how much you wanna spend. Wont make you take out a second morgage either!

Having said this there is a reason everyone plays les pauls and strats

I have to agree with Reidie on two of his points. I've got a sweet RG270 model and I love it. Low action, great feel, decent price. There are definitely some quality Ibanez guitars out there.

But, it's hard to wrong with a Strat or Les Paul. Someday, if I can ever get out of debt, I will own a Strat (Jimmie Vaughan Series) with a tobacco-sunburst paintjob.
i know a lot of shitty nu metal bands played em, but schecter makes some pretty solid and nice-on-the-wallet guitars. i also agree with the guy that said to get a strat. just as long as your amp has a master volume/gain knob, you should be able to get just about any tone you want... or buy a distortion pedal (insert plug for the Digitech Black 13 or BOSS DS2).
Get a yamaha pacifica. Good value, versatile, and low maintenance. Why would you want something with a floating bridge if you're a beginner?? ie an rg series or an esp?

les paul's are expensive for a good one. You could buy one of their cheaper versions but then you'd only be paying for the name. Which is why I would suggest something along the lines of yamaha or washburn. Another good value are the fender showmasters. seymore duncan pickups, easy loading bridges, tight tuners, who could ask for anything more for five hundred bucks?

Also, buy a combo amp from Crate. not the best in the world at all but for a few hundred dollars, well worth it.

there are much better guitars and amps from what I've suggested. I'm only giving you a heads up on value and user friendliness.

That's the exact combo I have got. The Yam Pacifica cost about $500 Aust which is pretty decent for a great guitar and I have a Crate 60W amp which is great for thrash metal distortion and a decent clean tone. You couldn't go too far wrong with that imo aliasp.

BTW Aliasp - I watched the Liverpool v Middlesborough game the other night and thought of you with your avatar - Gonzalez pissed me off so many times with his sub-par crosses from the left. Was he just having a bad night?
hope this works better
I'm partial to Custom Shop ESP's, Gibson Les Pauls, and Paul Reed Smiths for loud metal/rock and USA Fender Stratocasters and Telecasters for clean sounds. That's only if money isn't a issue. Otherwise the ESP LTD line, Epiphone Les Pauls, and foreign made Stratocasters will work great. I will say that a good amp can make the crappiest guitar sound good though, so don't cut corners on the amplifier.

I say go to the guitar shop and try a bunch out. Look for a guitar is easy to play, sounds good, and most importantly LOOKS COOL. It sounds dumb, but having something to strap on that reflects your personality will make you want to play it more. Take the BC Rich Warlock as an example: I wouldn't be caught dead playing one of those atrocities, but the death metal guys LOVE them.

Good luck.
ESP's LTD line is usuallly a good bang for the buck. I bought a viper bass and liked enough to buy a second one.