Which interface?


Nov 10, 2008
South Yorkshire, UK
Hey guys,

I'm looking for a new interface. I'm basically a hobby user and don't imagine myself doing anything serious with it, just some band songs and my own compositions. It's rather unlikely that I will start a project studio or anything like that (mainly due to lack of skill/experience haha)


- Recording guitar , 2 mics + DI track maximum
- Recording Bass
- Recording vocals (Decent mic preamp would be good, or I'll get one of those ART TubeMP things)
- I want a reasonably high quality "instrument" input, or a decent line input and a cheap DI to go with it.
- Reamping guitars (hence why I want semi decent DI quality)
- MIDI functionality would be a plus
- USB would be ideal, but unlikely, I know.
- Not too big

I'm fairly sure I won't be mic'ing up a kit, but I suppose I might, how many inputs do I need for micing a kit?

I was looking at these interfaces in particular:

- Presonus Firebox
- Presonus Inspure
- Focusrite Saffire
- M-audio ProFire 610

What do you guys reckon?
I'd say Saffire, though check out the Mackie Onyx Satellite as well - mine has worked flawlessly and awesomely since I bought it this past summer; the only complaint is that the plugging my guitar into one of the inst. in's doesn't sound quite as clear/detailed as using my Little Labs Redeye as a DI into one of the pre-amps, but since the unit is like half the price of the Saffire, it'd let you get a Redeye which would also let you re-amp
Saffire is a great little unit, but I had a terrible time with my LE. Basically, focusrite had a recent batch of units that had all the input/output jack nuts overtightened to the point where the input jacks had cracked. I was experiencing all kinds of wierdness with my unit, and after sending it to the repair guys, around 2 months later they told me it was a common issue and that they would repair it with some parts from demo stock! I didn't like the idea of that so they said I would have to wait another 1-2 months for a replacement unit, which I wasn't too impressed about either (as I've got no other interface for recording in the meantime). I eventually got a store credit and got a Lexicon Omega, which is ok, but definitely not as flexible as the Saffire. If you can get a working Saffire it would be a great little unit, but be warned that Focusrite support won't help you out at all if something goes wrong with it. Anyway, there's my little story, there would normally be alot more swearing and cursing in there but I'm pretty new here so I left that out.
Following a suggestion from someone else, I've been thinking. I could get a small interface that has ADAT connectivity, so later down the road when I want to mic up more stuff I can expand it with another 8 channels of audio through an ADAT compatible pre. I've found a few interfaces that fit the bill:

-M-audio 1814
-Alesis iO24
-TC Electronics Konnekt 24D

I've got a M audio interface right now, so I trust M-audio gear. But I've not had any experience with Alesis gear (they've always struck me as being cheap stuff, although I am aware they developed the ADAT format) As for TC Electronics, I didn't know the made interfaces, I thought they only did effects processors.

What do you guys reckon?