Which is better... Spartacus or Game Of Thrones?

Spartacus for me. GoT has fantastic production values but, to me at least, it's not much more than a reflection of the books: muddy and confused although occasionally epic.

I just don't get the love in for GoT.
I really like the subplots going on in Thrones. The confusion and mystery is facinating to me.(I've never read the books btw...)

Your comment on the program being a reflection of the books must be true, since the writers/producers said on the special features on the boxed set for season one, they tried to make the episodes as close to the original as possible.

I must say, I do thoroughly enjoy Spartacus as well.
Game of Thrones, although I really like both. It sucks that there's a different Spartacus in the official "second" season though. There were a few negatives with Spartacus though; they aren't consistent with the blood and wound effects. Sometimes they look pretty believable, but then other times it just looks like a silly cutscene from a video game. I was also getting kind of sick of how every single show started out exactly the same in the second season.

Also not really sure how relevant this question will be either. Unless they plan on doing yet another prequel, the series seems like it's pretty much done.
It ain't. Loads of history left.

Well a bit.

Well, they killed off quite a bit of the cast, especially those that had been around for all of the seasons. I'm sure they can find other decent actors, but it will be kind of odd.
I prefer GoT slightly, depends on mood though. GoT has got more twists and a pretty complicated story. Spartacus is action, sex and violence.. which can be nice when you're in the mood for simplicity :)
Rome is better than both, but Game of Thrones. Though, I worry the plot is going to suffer the way Wheel of Time did.

*spoilers for A Song of Ice And Fire*

I couldn't even finish book 5. Danaeres STILL isn't in Westeros, the whole Wilding invasion was pretty pointless. Nothings really fucking happening. Stannis hasn't done shit, Lannisters haven't done shit. (All this is from my vague memory of the first four books) The Catelyn zombie thing is stupid, and Arya...her chapters were so boring I skipped them entirely. Bran's wolf thing is boring, they killed off the two remaining Starks who were actually interesting. Geez.

*end spoilers

Good thing Jaime is going to be getting more screen time, soon. I think we can all agree he and Tyrion are the best parts of the books. But man, Tyrions accent is laughably bad. Also, I wish the actress who played Attia in Rome, or even the woman from Sparticas played by Xena Warrior Princess was playing Cersei. That's how I always pictured her. Also, I pictured Stannis as Kevin McKidd.
i haven't seen spartacus yet... but i'm pretty sure i like GoT better... feels like it's like comparing 300 and gladiator :p

Not exactly. While watching the very first episode of Spartacus, I initially thought "gag, it's just 300 the television series", but then after watching the second and third, my mind changed quite a bit. The first season was called Blood and Sand, but it may as well have been called Blood and Sex.

Regardless, despite the over the top "realistic" violence and overuse of the word "cock", it's quite good. There's probably more actual acting in a single episode of Spartacus than there was in all of 300 too. I really love/hate Zack Snyder. He goes from great movie to terrible movie to great movie to terrible movie.
I don't see how you can compare Spartacus with GoT. The production in GoT is much, much better with A-list actors, and it's much more enthralling. Spartacus is an action series with lots of tits and gore, and that's pretty much what it's based around. They're both good series but GoT is head and shoulders above in terms of the story and drama. It's much more epic.

Spartacus is fun to watch while waiting for something else. I'm with John...Rome was better. Maybe not better than GoT, but definitely better than Spartacus.
The new actor really threw me off at the beginning too. At first I couldn't stand him just because he wasn't Andy. But he kind of grew on me like a fungus. I still think Gannicus> him though. He's all \m/.
Every time Andy would open his mouth wide, or jump around...this is what I thought of:

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gannicus is the obvious rockstar of the show, sparticus has to be all stiff cause he's trying to be mr general 'wahh romans killed my wife' guy