Which is your favourite Opeth Cover album??

i love the black water park one a lot, just reminds me of sleepy hollow and is just simply great. i think they're all very special except orchid i suppose, for me its the one that sticks out, not that i hate or even dislike it, its just the others to me are better. :)
i think this is copyright and i probably will get ban from this forum but here;s the bigger picture i made: http://terrymx.50megs.com/orchid.jpg
kinda add more dept to the folower actually. i put this in the center of my black background desktop and then stare at it. i also like morningrise alot.
i agree with those who said that Travis Smith was awesome, but instead of BWP, I have to vote for Still Life: the whole crying lady and the crucifixes in the back and the shadow of the guy...... neat stuff.
Morningrise for me. By chance, does anyone know where this photo was taken, or what the name of the bridge is? Pretty cool how it's right next to the forest.
Originally posted by saturnix
i agree with those who said that Travis Smith was awesome, but instead of BWP, I have to vote for Still Life: the whole crying lady and the crucifixes in the back and the shadow of the guy...... neat stuff.
That lady on the Still Life cover looks like The virgin Mary,
I think Morningrise looks best.
I don't know if it's the Virgin Mary, it is possible, but I agree with those who chose Still Life. It's an excellent cover.
& Morningrise

I do like Travis Smith's work, (esp BWP) but I prefer the photographic art of the early days.

Orchid is exquisite...Again, I will emphasise that it is deceivingly simplistic, especially when compared with the complex T.S. scenes.
It absolutely perfect for, what I perceive, Opeth are trying to do with the album... :)

The gate in the Morningrise cover notes is also fantastic.
I love the BWP cover, but Morningrise is my favorite. There is just something about that picture.
I've always been intrigued by MAYH. If I had seen that cover and not known what band it was, I think I would have picked it up anyway. It's so goddamn mysterious!!!! They'll never top it. It suits the album so well.

Morningrise is a close second....

And, just to note, I personally dislike their Travis Smith Covers somewhat. I mean, Travis is one of the best album designers in existence, and his work is incredible, but I feel that the artwork makes Opeth seem too ordinary. As soon as I saw the cover for Still Life, I was blown away, but at the same time disappointed. Somehow, a drawing lacks the realism of an actual photograph. The first three album covers speak loudly, yet show a more realistic side of things, more close to human. But the newer covers seem to be more, well, created, for lack of better word. Opeth is meant to seem natural, not sculpted by man. (Though after hearing BWP, I may think that the music is tending to follow the Covers......)