Which mic to go along with a 57 for miking a cab?


Aug 16, 2002
I've got a 57 to mic my cab with but I want another mic to get a dual thing going on my cab. I was thinking a Sennheiser 421... what do you think is the best match?
Hmm... I think I'm looking for something around the price of a 421. Not much more than that. I want something that will match up very well with a 57 on a Boogie amp.
I have never dual miced so the only advice I can give is the opinion of others that I have read.

I've read that a 421 and 57 combo can sound amazing, but the 421 is quite expensive.

Apparently Audix i5's are similar to 57's, but have a slightly different sound, and are great to use with a 57.

Also try a Beta 57, or a KT88 (I think that's what they're called...I saw on a video Colin Davis from Imperial Mastering did).
I've used the 421, 609, i5 and 57 as a second mic to the 57. The 421 has better low end extension and can fill out the 57 nicely. Both the i5 and 609 add more high/ high-mid stuff which can be cool or brash depending on the placement. If I were going to recommend one I would get the i5 or 421. I've found both of those to be workforce mics (the i5 is awesome on snare, the 421 on bass cabs, toms and even kick sometimes). One thing to be leery of is that the i5 is a bit scooped which can make it seem cooler than the 57 on a guitar cab soloed but much harder to fit into a mix.
I think it depends on what amp you are using with the cabinet and the cabinet itself.

Personally, I've found that the 57+421 combo works best for a Mesa Rectifier amplifier through the standard Mesa 4x12 cab. Other than that I primarily prefer a single 57 and multi-tracking to multi-micing the cab.

If you're using a Marshall cab with 75s, I'd probably shoot for some sort of 57+LDC, like a TLM193, AT3035. Or even a Royer 121/122 (Edit: I know this isn't a LDC, edited before someone jumped on my shit). Something that will capture the more hi-fi sound of the 75 a little better and using the 57 for the midrange.
I'd say a second 57 or a 421, really not a fan of the i5 (too scooped/harsh IMO) and haven't heard much good said about the 609!

That said, I'm pretty pleased with what I can get from one 57!
Another 57? :p
But seriously, all the good ones have been mentioned. The MD421 is a solid bet, as is any of the good Royer ribbons. If all you have for mics right now is that one 57, you might want to look into getting a small diaphragm condenser just to mess with it - don't like it? Sell it and get a dynamic. Decent starting point is a C1000.
I think this means I'll go with a 421 =). I'll have to track vocals at least sometime in the future, so it'd be nice to have that around. Also there was mention of using a 421 on bass... I didn't think a 421 would take so well to bass, but surely I can try. I didn't think the bass response would be so great miking up a bass cab.

I'll probably just go with a 421 seeing the feedback here though. Thanks.
Oh yeah, the 421 can get tons of bass, so it'd be great on a bass cab, and I've heard it's pretty damn good on vox too!
Overall I would recommend a Royer R121. I would recommend an MD421 in your price range. Either that or a decent condenser. I like my AT4050 alot with the SM57 too.